Shopify’s hotel slogan generator lets you generate hundreds of slogan ideas in just a few clicks.
To start, think of a word or two that's relevant to your brand—maybe it's your amenities, location, or architectural style? Next, type those words into the field above and click the "Generate slogans" button. And that's it! You’ll immediately get hundreds of relevant slogans that you can use as inspiration for your hotel.
It's important that you come up with hotel slogan ideas that highlight your unique offerings. Why would someone choose your hotel over your competitors'? Is your customer service? Your affordable prices? Your location?
Once you've spent some time thinking about the message you want to convey, you can use Shopify's free slogan generator to help inspire a creative and unique slogan for your hotel.
While it can be a challenge to come up with a catchy hotel slogan, it’s best to start from the perspective of your customers. Ultimately, a catchy hotel slogan is one that creates a lasting impression—it gets ingrained in your customers' memories and sticks with them long after they're done reading it.
To do this, try to make your slogan concise and straightforward so that it's easily remembered. You can also use rhyming, alliteration, and other forms of wordplay to increase your hotel slogan’s catchiness.
Some unique hotel slogan examples to draw inspiration from include Hilton Hotel’s “Travel Should Take You Places,” Sheraton’s “Let’s Spend The Night Together,” and Choice Hotel’s “You Always Have A Choice.”
Some popular hotel slogan taglines include Marriott Hotel’s “Travel Brilliantly,” Renaissance Hotel’s “It’s Business Unusual,” and RIU Hotel’s “As You Like It.”
Correct! Shopify's marketing slogan generator is totally free to use and you can run as many searches as you like.