.pm Domain Name Registration

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.pm Domain Name Registration

Why choose a .pm domain?

.pm overview

.pm is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, a French archipelago south of the Canadian island of Newfoundland—but this domain extension can be so much more! The letters 'pm' are an abbreviation for the latin phrase post meridiem, meaning between noon and midnight. But whatever these two letters mean to you, this domain extension will put your site front and center.

.pm facts, stats & history

Because .pm is a ccTLD, it does come with some restrictions—you'll need to live in Switzerland or the European Economic area to buy one. But beyond that, .pm can mean whatever you want it to! Whether you're actually a Saint-Pierre and Miquelon resident, or these letters are relevant to your brand for some other reason, this domain extension is the perfect choice.

Find a .pm domain alternative


Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .com domain for your brand.

Buy .com Domain 


Register your brand on a similar TLD with .net.

Buy .net Domain 


Secure your brand on a different TLD with .org.

Buy .org Domain 

How to register a domain with Shopify

Step 1

Check your domain availability.

Step 2

Add your shop and domain ownership details.

Step 3

Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .pm right for you?

.pm benefits

With over 7000 registrants, .pm is a less competitive domain extension, so you've got a much better chance of getting the exact name you want. If the letters "pm" are relevant to your website and you're looking for a unique, custom-sounding domain name, .pm is a good option.

Ideas for your .pm domain

Maybe the letters "pm" have some special meaning to your business. Or maybe your business, like a nightclub or restaurant, is only open after 12 p.m. Whatever the case, if you want a domain name that feels on-brand and targeted, .pm is a natural choice.

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Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.

Features Shopify Others
Low initial cost
SSL certificates included
WHOIS privacy included
Spam-free parking page
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