.llc Domain Name Registration

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.llc Domain Name Registration

Why choose a .llc domain?

.llc overview

Create a professional online presence with .llc. As a generic top-level domain (TLD) intended for limited liability companies (LLCs), .llc is short, snappy, and gets straight to the point. From tech startups to food and beverage companies, a variety of businesses can use .llc to create a unique and memorable web presence.

.llc facts, stats & history

First introduced in 2018, .llc domain managed by Afilias Limited, a US-based domain name registry. Anyone in the world can register a .llc domain name giving this extension international appeal. If you company identifies as an LLC, this is the perfect domain extension for you.

Find a .llc domain alternative


Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .com domain for your brand.

Buy .com Domain 


Register your brand on a similar TLD with .net.

Buy .net Domain 


Secure your brand on a different TLD with .org.

Buy .org Domain 

How to register a domain with Shopify

Step 1

Check your domain availability.

Step 2

Add your shop and domain ownership details.

Step 3

Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .llc right for you?

.llc benefits

A .llc domain name tells your audience exactly what you do before they even visit your site. It can lend credibility to your brand and help you build trust with stakeholders, including investors, creditors, suppliers, and customers.

Ideas for your .llc domain

From startups to small businesses and from ecommerce websites to crowdfunding portals, there’s no limit to the types of companies that can benefit from a .llc domain name.

More Top Level Domains for you


Make it more than business as usual with a .biz domain name.

Get your .biz Domain 


They say knowledge is power—why not share yours with .info?

Get your .info Domain 


Nothing beats .us if your business or products are made in America.

Get your .us Domain 

Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.

Features Shopify Others
Low initial cost
SSL certificates included
WHOIS privacy included
Spam-free parking page
Free 3-day Shopify trial

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