Die Gründe, warum sich die besten Marken der Welt für Shopify entscheiden
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Shopify erläutert, wie RUDSAK, ein Modeunternehmen, das sich auf hochwertige Handwerkskunst konzentriert, sein POS-System von Microsoft Dynamics 365 auf Shopify POS migriert hat.

Braun Büffel
Erfahre, warum Braun Büffel und Tausende andere sich für Shopify entschieden haben, um ihr E-Commerce-Business zu verbessern.

Erfahre, warum Lamy und Tausende andere sich für Shopify entschieden haben, um ihr E-Commerce-Business zu verbessern.

Pullup & Dip
Pullup & Dip steigerte die Conversion-Rate um 349 % nach der Migration von Shopware zu Shopify Plus

Wie TASCHEN dank Shopify’s Headless-Architektur innerhalb von 5 Monaten neue Märkte erobert

T1TAN erhöhte seine Conversion-Rate nach der Migration um 25%

Wie SodaStream mit Shopify Plus sein D2C-Angebot erweitern und den Umsatz um 20 % steigern konnte

Sennheiser expandiert mit Shopify Plus und erschließt einen neuen Markt in weniger als 8 Wochen

Saint Charles
Wie Saint Charles mit Shopify Plus seine Conversion-Rates auf Hochtouren brachte und sein Marketing neu definiert

Wie Shopify Plus namuk zu 65 % mehr Transaktionen und 45 % Anstieg der Conversion-Rate verhalf

Live Fast Die Young
Migration in zwölf Wochen – pünktlich zum bis dato größten Produkt-Drop

J.Lindeberg wechselte die Plattform, um Kunden zu inspirieren und steigerte den Umsatz um 70 %

Junglück hat seinen Umsatz mit Shopify Plus um das 7-Fache gesteigert

InnoNature hat eine Plattform mit Direktvertrieb und Kontrolle über die Kundenerfahrung geschaffen

Hertha BSC
Keine Datensilos mehr: Wie Hertha BSC mit einer Single-Sign-On-Lösung eine perfekte Fan-Erfahrung kreiert

Giesswein: In kurzer Zeit vom traditionellen Großhandelsgeschäft zur D2C-Marke

Club Brugge
Wie Shopify das Fan-Erlebnis des FC Brügge zum Leben erweckte und den Umsatz mit bedruckten Trikots um 25 % steigerte

World of Books
Learn how World of Books boosted conversion rates by 10% and streamlined operations across the UK and US using Shopify Payments' multi-entity management.

Vin Chicago
Learn how historic wine retailer Vin Chicago cut operating costs by 20% and achieved record sales after consolidating five retail and ecommerce systems into one unified platform with Shopify.

Orlebar Brown 
The premium resort wear brand Orlebar Brown used Shopify POS, Shopify Markets and Shopify Payments to drive seamless omnichannel sales.

Learn how ATTITUDE Living worked with Novatize to increase new customers by 9% and improved revenue by migrating to Shopify Hydrogen and Oxygen for a sustainable, multi-country commerce experience.


Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo boosts online revenue by 126% with user experience transformation on Shopify

Discover how quip unlocked efficiencies and ensured the next phase of growth by replatforming to Shopify with Avex, unlocking scalability and streamlined operations for growth.

The US-based seller of accessible machine-washable rugs, used Markets and Multi-Entity management to reduce the operational costs of managing international sales. By centralizing content localization, payment methods, currencies, data, and more in one place, these solutions made it easy for Ruggable to customize and streamline the shopping experience by region.

Grassland Market
Discover how natural grocer Grassland Market improved their retail operations by implementing Shopify POS, gaining valuable customer insights and creating a foundation for local market growth.

Sukhmani Designs
Learn how Sukhmani Designs unified their multi-store operations with Shopify to grow revenue nearly 40% year-over-year, eliminate manual processes, and enable secure mobile sales beyond their retail locations

Innovative Austrian company waterdrop are on their way to becoming the world's largest beverage company, without ever selling water. Learn about how the migration to Shopify is powering their international growth.

Paceline boosts sales by 262% and cut support requests by 90% using Shopify Collective to expand product offerings and enhance customer engagement.

After transitioning from Magento to Shopify, APL has experienced significant improvements in site performance, customer experience, and international expansion.

KEEN reduced the total cost of ownership of their commerce technology stack by 80% and accelerated omnichannel growth by replacing complex enterprise systems with Shopify's unified commerce platform.

La Rosée
Discover how La Rosée transformed its ecommerce, enhanced site performance, and boosted international growth with Shopify.

Das innovative österreichische Unternehmen waterdrop® ist auf dem Weg, der weltweit größte Getränkehersteller zu werden, ohne jemals Wasser verkauft zu haben. Erfahren Sie, wie der Einsatz von Shopify POS und der einheitliche Handelsansatz ihr schnelles Wachstum vorantreiben.

Discover how Nudient transformed their business by migrating from Centra back to Shopify. This strategic shift consolidated 15 storefronts into one, enabling global growth and a seamless customer experience. With enhanced speed to launch, cost-effectiveness, and integration capabilities, NUDIENT is now poised for further expansion.

Since using Shopify POS to sell at its flagship stores and expos, Ryzon has lifted in-person conversion rates by over 40%, grown revenue by 35%, and sells in 10 countries and 6 languages from the same platform.

Finisterre: The outerwear brand building a conscious customer strategy with Shopify

Fairfax & Favor
The UK-based rural vogue apparel brand leveraged Shopify Markets and Multi-Currency Payouts to support their expansion to the US. The brand saved over £1M annually while increasing its US portion of international sales from 3% to 10% in two years.

Passenger, a UK-based responsible outdoor clothing brand, leveraged Markets, Shopify Payments, and Multi-Currency Payouts to support the growth of their international sales, which rose from 1% to 40% of its overall sales mix in just 2 years.

Stadium Goods
Stadium Goods boosted conversion rates by switching to Shopify, achieving higher efficiency and growth during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Learn how MyFitFoods transformed their healthy meal prep business with Shopify's unified commerce platform, streamlining operations and reducing costs across 7 stores and achieving record growth in both online and retail sales.

Learn how this travel and lifestyle brand brought in over $50,000 in affiliate sales.

Learn how Moonboon achieved an average ROI of 6.5x from influencer activations.

Discover how Asphalte unified ecommerce and retail with Shopify POS, streamlining operations and delivering a seamless customer experience.

Discover how Weebot boosted revenue, improved efficiency, and enhanced customer experience by unifying operations with Shopify POS.

Syster P
Discover how Syster P increased international sales by 100% and reduced website development time by 50% with a quick and seamless migration to Shopify.

Westwing wurde 2011 gegründet und ist eine der führenden Design- und Wohn-Premiummarken in Europa.

World of Books
World of Books: How Shopify replatformed the planet’s bookstore

Lola’s Cupcakes
How Lola’s Cupcakes grew its loyalty program by over 10,000 and made over 1 million in-store orders in less than a year.