Calm pictures and zen photos

Take a look at our gallery of calm and zen images. Browse high-quality stock images of peaceful, happy people, serenity in nature and inner peace. Download for use in any commercial project.

dreamy beach landscape

Dreamy Beach Landscape

find balance

Find Balance

yoga anjali mudra

Yoga Anjali Mudra

woman meditating hip opener

Woman Meditating Hip Opener

seated meditation

Seated Meditation

young woman meditating

Young Woman Meditating

yoga meditation rooftop

Yoga Meditation Rooftop

person sits looking out towards still water

Person Sits Looking Out Towards Still Water

boardwalk through marsh under bright purple sky

Boardwalk Through Marsh Under Bright Purple Sky

woman cross-legged with her eyes closed

Woman Cross-Legged With Her Eyes Closed

yin yoga saddle pose

Yin Yoga Saddle Pose

silhouette on ocean rock

Silhouette On Ocean Rock

woman practices yoga under a large tree

Woman Practices Yoga Under A Large Tree

zen garden with autumn colors

Zen Garden With Autumn Colors

zen garden peace stone

Zen Garden Peace Stone

young girl reading on train

Young Girl Reading On Train

woman sits under large tree on a yoga mat

Woman Sits Under Large Tree On A Yoga Mat

rippling lake

Rippling Lake

woman sits in sunlight looking into distance

Woman Sits In Sunlight Looking Into Distance

woman meditates cross legged under a tree

Woman Meditates Cross Legged Under A Tree

close up of a woman using a green jade face roller

Close Up Of A Woman Using A Green Jade Face Roller

person sits in a calm meditation pose

Person Sits In A Calm Meditation Pose

blue jellyfish underwater

Blue Jellyfish Underwater

red lipstick held up to bare lips

Red Lipstick Held Up To Bare Lips

woman with under eyes cosmetic patches

Woman With Under Eyes Cosmetic Patches

person sits on there coffee table and meditates

Person Sits On There Coffee Table And Meditates

two people on a small boat in the center of frame

Two People On A Small Boat In The Center Of Frame

foggy landscape reflected in lake

Foggy Landscape Reflected In Lake

a woman with closed eyes surrounded by sunflowers

A Woman With Closed Eyes Surrounded By Sunflowers

fog lingers over calm lake

Fog Lingers Over Calm Lake

woman sits in self reflection under a tree

Woman Sits In Self Reflection Under A Tree

glass vase with purple flower

Glass Vase With Purple Flower

sunset on the lake

Sunset On The Lake

dock reaching to lake

Dock Reaching To Lake

woman sits on a bench outdoors with eyes closed

Woman Sits On A Bench Outdoors With Eyes Closed

birds silhouetted by the setting sun

Birds Silhouetted By The Setting Sun

afternoon espresso with photograph

Afternoon Espresso With Photograph

person sits cross legged in a meditation pose

Person Sits Cross Legged In A Meditation Pose

back of a woman sitting outdoors on a mat

Back Of A Woman Sitting Outdoors On A Mat

two people walking along the beach at sunset

Two People Walking Along The Beach At Sunset

women rests her head on a mans shoulder

Women Rests Her Head On A Mans Shoulder

bay window tranquility

Bay Window Tranquility

calm glass like water with rolling hills behind

Calm Glass Like Water With Rolling Hills Behind

person wrapped in blue and silver looks out to water

Person Wrapped In Blue And Silver Looks Out To Water

a person rowing their boat to shore at night

A Person Rowing Their Boat To Shore At Night

person holding a silver jug faces the wavy water

Person Holding A Silver Jug Faces The Wavy Water

ripples on water at sunset

Ripples On Water At Sunset

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