.run Domain Name Registration

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.run Domain Name Registration

Why choose a .run domain?

.run overview

Beat your competitors to the finish line with a branded .run domain. It's a niche, unique, and versatile top-level domain that's perfect for professional runners, coaches, races, running clubs, apparel brands, and so much more. Get a .run domain name today and start building your brand online.

.run facts, stats & history

.run is a generic top-level domain (TLD) that was first introduced in 2015. It's managed by Donuts, a Denver, CO-based TLD registry service, and has over 23,000 registrants—a number that's expected to grow as more businesses and people the burgeoning running industry.

Find a .run domain alternative


Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .supply domain for your brand.

Buy .supply Domain 


Register your brand on a similar TLD with .studio.

Buy .studio Domain 


Secure your brand on a different TLD with .care.

Buy .care Domain 

How to register a domain with Shopify

Step 1

Check your domain availability.

Step 2

Add your shop and domain ownership details.

Step 3

Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .run right for you?

.run benefits

A .run domain name tells visitors exactly what to expect when they visit your site, making it ideal for any business in the running industry. Plus, because .run is a newer TLD, you have a better chance of getting the exact domain name that you want.

Ideas for your .run domain

From athleisure brands to running shoe wholesalers and from event organizers to fitness bloggers, there’s no limit to the types of businesses and people who can benefit from a .run domain extension.

More Top Level Domains for you


Get your website into shape with a .fitness domain name.

Get your .fitness Domain 


Get your customers buying whatever you're supplying.

Get your .supplies Domain 


Nothing beats .us if your business or products are made in America.

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Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.

Features Shopify Others
Low initial cost
SSL certificates included
WHOIS privacy included
Spam-free parking page
Free 3-day Shopify trial

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