.name Domain Name Registration

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.name Domain Name Registration

Why choose a .name domain?

.name overview

Looking for a domain that's as individual and unique as you are? .name is authentic, confident, and all about you. With no country association or obvious creative domain hacks, this generic top-level domain (TLD) is perfect for personal branding websites, portfolios, and online CVs. Although .name domains are is mainly intended for personal use, don't be surprised if you come across an online store or business using this domain extension for their website.

.name facts, stats & history

.name is owned and operated by the domain registry company Verisign, which also owns exclusive rights to the registry of .com, .net, and other popular domain extensions. Since its launch in 2002, second level (john.name) and third level (john.smith.name) registration for domain names have been available for purchase, allowing you to create highly personalized websites and email addresses. While there are no specific restrictions on who can purchase a .name domain name, registrations can be challenged if they aren't done by or on behalf of a person who's name matches that of the domain.

Find a .name domain alternative


Couldn't find your desired domain name? Try registering .com domain for your brand.

Buy .com Domain 


Register your brand on a similar TLD with .net.

Buy .net Domain 


Secure your brand on a different TLD with .org.

Buy .org Domain 

How to register a domain with Shopify

Step 1

Check your domain availability.

Step 2

Add your shop and domain ownership details.

Step 3

Your domain name and online store are ready.

Is .name right for you?

.name benefits

If you're building a personal website, .name could be the perfect extension to do it with. It's highly personal, unique, and a great way to yourself apart—especially if the .com option isn't available.

Ideas for your .name domain

From artists to politicians, marketing consultants, and freelance videographers, there’s no limit to who can use .name to build a digital identity.

More Top Level Domains for you


Make it more than business as usual with a .biz domain name.

Get your .biz Domain 


They say knowledge is power—why not share yours with .info?

Get your .info Domain 


Nothing beats .us if your business or products are made in America.

Get your .us Domain 

Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward. No hidden fees, price hikes, or ads.

Features Shopify Others
Low initial cost
SSL certificates included
WHOIS privacy included
Spam-free parking page
Free 3-day Shopify trial

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