Shop Images

Looking for shop photos for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of shops. All photos are in HD format and free to download

get started today sign on stone

Get Started Today Sign On Stone

dream date

Dream Date

flowers for sale!

Flowers For Sale!

placing groceries in the trunk of a car

Placing Groceries In The Trunk Of A Car

woman in face mask during curbside pickup

Woman In Face Mask During Curbside Pickup

flowers, plants and graffiti outside a flower shop

Flowers, Plants And Graffiti Outside A Flower Shop

white pink and purple flowers outside a flower shop in paris

White Pink And Purple Flowers Outside A Flower Shop In Paris

narrow street in the old town

Narrow Street In The Old Town

placing some groceries in trunk for curbside pickup

Placing Some Groceries In Trunk For Curbside Pickup

Trending business ideas

Choose from over 20 online business ideas that are particularly popular this year. Each in-depth case study includes supplier info, marketing tips, business model insights and free high-resolution images for your store and marketing campaigns. Case studies are updated regularly, so check back often or subscribe for updates to stay on trend!

How to find a great shop image

As more and more retail stores move online with ecommerce platforms like Shopify, there’s an increasing need for brands to have great images of shops for their marketing. Whether you’re building out social content to launch your new brick-and-mortar store, or you’re building out webpages for your virtual shop, Burst photos can help.

The biggest thing you’ll want to figure out is how to convey the product you’re selling on the internet. You may not find stock photos that perfectly match your product or service, but with a bit of creativity you can show your consumers what you offer. For starters, determine what type of retail experience you want to showcase. Are you looking for images of a physical storefront or would it be more effective to show someone making an online purchase on a mobile device? Consider too, how important it is that you give your audience a teaser of what they’re buying. If it’s a new direct-to-consumer men’s fashion brand, do you need HD pics of people wearing pants and tshirts to sell? Or if, on the other hand, you offer digital marketing services, do you want to showcase people working on ( [computers] and beautiful websites to get the point across?

Spend some time thinking through the calendar year in advance, to note when you might have special promotions or offers that need more timely photos for your shop. If you plan on holding a Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale, you might as well start downloading stock photos for those occasions as well, as you build out your content inventory.

Browse our collections, curated by contributors around the world to see which shop images could be right for your project. All royalty-free and HD, Burst is a great place to grow your brand assets for free.