Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

man pulls spoon from coffee at cafe after a stir

Man Pulls Spoon From Coffee At Cafe After A Stir

a restaurant by the water

A Restaurant By The Water

potted plants and coffee cups on patio

Potted Plants And Coffee Cups On Patio

a bowl of ramen by a restaurant window

A Bowl Of Ramen By A Restaurant Window

iced coffee from above

Iced Coffee From Above

espresso cup on ledge

Espresso Cup On Ledge

jug adds final touches to dish

Jug Adds Final Touches To Dish

food tongs on a gold rack

Food Tongs On A Gold Rack

chefs eye view

Chefs Eye View

cafe neon sign

Cafe Neon Sign

two forks dip into lobster

Two Forks Dip Into Lobster

man looking at cell phone and laughing

Man Looking At Cell Phone And Laughing

glass coffee pour

Glass Coffee Pour

pour over coffee into unique ceramic vase

Pour Over Coffee Into Unique Ceramic Vase

hands hold a plate of spanakopita

Hands Hold A Plate of Spanakopita

two people share a happy moment in a coffee shop

Two People Share A Happy Moment In A Coffee Shop

restaurant tables between columns on a piazza

Restaurant Tables Between Columns On A Piazza

fence lined with patio tables and chairs

Fence Lined With Patio Tables And Chairs

fork dips into a dessert in a crystal container

Fork Dips Into A Dessert In A Crystal Container

tall glass of fresh lemonade

Tall Glass Of Fresh Lemonade

empty table for two

Empty Table For Two

woman on a terrace mid day

Woman On A Terrace Mid Day

picnic table with a wooden tray holding a latte and a water

Picnic Table With A Wooden Tray Holding A Latte And A Water

plant in patio of restaurant

Plant In Patio Of Restaurant

cold brew coffee on tap

Cold Brew Coffee On Tap

sunglasses and a cellphone on a wooden picnic table

Sunglasses And A Cellphone On A Wooden Picnic Table

a fork and knife slice roasted leaks

A Fork And Knife Slice Roasted Leaks

cobblestone alleyway

Cobblestone Alleyway

holding cup of iced coffee

Holding Cup Of Iced Coffee

circular glass doorway of a restaurant

Circular Glass Doorway Of A Restaurant

vintage pin up art perched atop an oyster bar sign

Vintage Pin Up Art Perched Atop An Oyster Bar Sign

garnished glass of lemon spritzer

Garnished Glass Of Lemon Spritzer

streetside restaurant

Streetside Restaurant

coffee cup on table

Coffee Cup On Table

two people sip from takeout cups on a patio

Two People Sip From Takeout Cups On A Patio

laughter in a coffee shop

Laughter In A Coffee Shop

glass on table

Glass On Table

fashionable man sits in booth

Fashionable Man Sits In Booth

tendrils of steam from coffee filter in the daylight

Tendrils Of Steam From Coffee Filter In The Daylight

casual coffee date in warm fall mens fashion

Casual Coffee Date In Warm Fall Mens Fashion

coffee utensils on counter

Coffee Utensils On Counter

tall glass of cold lemonade

Tall Glass Of Cold Lemonade

bikes and posters

Bikes And Posters

little coffee shop tunnel

Little Coffee Shop Tunnel

red table with carved inlay is bathed in sunlight

Red Table With Carved Inlay Is Bathed In Sunlight

view from above of a red wooden table

View From Above Of A Red Wooden Table

gated property in italy

Gated Property In Italy

outdoor restaurant seating

Outdoor Restaurant Seating

classic cool lemonade on table

Classic Cool Lemonade On Table

restaurant entrance lights vibrant alleyway

Restaurant Entrance Lights Vibrant Alleyway

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