Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

a lonely coffee mug

A Lonely Coffee Mug

iced coffee with cream

Iced Coffee With Cream

a person gets ready to eat a beautiful bowl of pasta

A Person Gets Ready To Eat A Beautiful Bowl Of Pasta

happy couple having coffee

Happy Couple Having Coffee

fried chicken and waffles

Fried Chicken And Waffles

a place card on a dinner table

A Place Card On A Dinner Table

city street with umbrellas outside a restaurant

City Street With Umbrellas Outside A Restaurant

antique ceramic coffee cup

Antique Ceramic Coffee Cup

cafe window with cup and flowers

Cafe Window With Cup And Flowers

healthy ginger pear smoothie

Healthy Ginger Pear Smoothie

man adds sugar to coffee in cafe

Man Adds Sugar To Coffee In Cafe

open sign in rustic cafe

Open Sign In Rustic Cafe

marble counter at busy cafe

Marble Counter At Busy Cafe

a woman and a man enjoy a laugh over coffee

A Woman And A Man Enjoy A Laugh Over Coffee

person cuts into wood fired pizza

Person Cuts Into Wood Fired Pizza

latte art pour portrait

Latte Art Pour Portrait

dessert with pecans and berries

Dessert With Pecans And Berries

empty restaurant awaiting guests

Empty Restaurant Awaiting Guests

spicy sushi rolls

Spicy Sushi Rolls

latte art in hand

Latte Art In Hand

motorbike outside a cafe

Motorbike Outside A Cafe

neon pretzel light

Neon Pretzel Light

tall glass of sparkling white wine

Tall Glass Of Sparkling White Wine

a woman reads a newspaper outside a cafe

A Woman Reads A Newspaper Outside A Cafe

iced coffee on marble counter

Iced Coffee On Marble Counter

dinner is served

Dinner Is Served

side dish placed on grey plate

Side Dish Placed On Grey Plate

fork lifts red meat

Fork Lifts Red Meat



person reaches to open a restaurant entrance door

Person Reaches To Open A Restaurant Entrance Door

two people sit at a table in a cafe

Two People Sit At A Table In A Cafe

crispy spanakopita spiral

Crispy Spanakopita Spiral

two women sitting in a cafe

Two Women Sitting In A Cafe

man looks at menu in restaurant

Man Looks At Menu In Restaurant

hands write in a open notebook next to an empty coffee cup

Hands Write In A Open Notebook Next To An Empty Coffee Cup

cold winter near iceland bistro

Cold Winter Near Iceland Bistro

little seat in the corner

Little Seat In The Corner

pouring red sauce over lobster and steak

Pouring Red Sauce Over Lobster And Steak

a woman sits alone in a coffee shop writing

A Woman Sits Alone In A Coffee Shop Writing

close up white mug filled with coffee on a desk

Close Up White Mug Filled With Coffee On A Desk

green gingham table cloth and wooden chairs

Green Gingham Table Cloth And Wooden Chairs

sidewalk brightened by city lights

Sidewalk Brightened By City Lights

pouring butter on surf and turf

Pouring Butter On Surf And Turf

empty cup surrounded by coffee beans

Empty Cup Surrounded By Coffee Beans

mens fashion in restaurant booth

Mens Fashion In Restaurant Booth

fancy plate of steak and salad

Fancy Plate Of Steak And Salad

pouring hot water in cafe to make coffee

Pouring Hot Water In Cafe To Make Coffee

tamper being pressed into espresso machine wand

Tamper Being Pressed Into Espresso Machine Wand

a hamburger with a side of fries

A Hamburger With A Side of Fries

window bar

Window Bar

ceramic coffee cup in hand

Ceramic Coffee Cup In Hand

people enjoy asian cuisine together

People Enjoy Asian Cuisine Together

Flatlay With Dumplings And Chopsticks On Red Background

Flatlay With Dumplings And Chopsticks On Red Background

fresh smoothie in glass on table

Fresh Smoothie In Glass On Table

cooking behind glass

Cooking Behind Glass

orange cushions on metal chairs in empty patio

Orange Cushions On Metal Chairs In Empty Patio

ivy hanging over table

Ivy Hanging Over Table

steam generated from espresso machine

Steam Generated From Espresso Machine

spoon dips into a beautifully plated meal

Spoon Dips Into A Beautifully Plated Meal

high end pour over coffee system

High End Pour Over Coffee System

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