Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

coffee shop ceramic decor

Coffee Shop Ceramic Decor

relaxing seat with cup of espresso

Relaxing Seat With Cup Of Espresso

french press pours coffee into a pink coffee mug

French Press Pours Coffee Into A Pink Coffee Mug

modern stools by red wall

Modern Stools By Red Wall

always your hands

Always Your Hands

corner of a resturant awaits customers

Corner Of A Resturant Awaits Customers

buttered waffles with powdered sugar

Buttered Waffles With Powdered Sugar

a black car parked outside a bistro

A Black Car Parked Outside A Bistro

sugar being added to cup of coffee

Sugar Being Added To cup Of Coffee

a hot cup of tea in bed

A Hot Cup Of Tea In Bed

refreshing drink sitting on a wooden table

Refreshing Drink Sitting On A Wooden Table

fried comfort food fish and chips

Fried Comfort Food Fish And Chips

coffee shop stalker

Coffee Shop Stalker

afternoon espresso with photograph

Afternoon Espresso With Photograph

a couple chat over coffee cups on a sunny day in a cafe

A Couple Chat Over Coffee Cups On A Sunny Day In A Cafe

delicious butternut squash soup

Delicious Butternut Squash Soup

diner table with water glasses

Diner Table With Water Glasses

raspberry coulis spread around ice cream

Raspberry Coulis Spread Around Ice Cream

a man and a woman's feet under a table

A Man And A Woman's Feet Under A Table

aged bourbon poured on rocks

Aged Bourbon Poured On Rocks

table with iced coffee and a cell phone face down

Table With Iced Coffee And A Cell Phone Face Down

an abundance of food choices

An Abundance Of Food Choices

coffee is so hot right now cup at espresso machine

Coffee Is So Hot Right Now Cup At Espresso Machine

coffee press into crystal

Coffee Press Into Crystal

fresh juices and smoothies

Fresh Juices And Smoothies

pour over coffee competition

Pour Over Coffee Competition

modern cafe table

Modern Cafe Table

a woman plays footsie with a man in a cafe

A Woman Plays Footsie With A Man In A Cafe

fresh juice on cafe table

Fresh Juice On Cafe Table

glass pour over coffee being brewed on wooden countertop

Glass Pour Over Coffee Being Brewed On Wooden Countertop

tall latte at cafe

Tall Latte At Cafe

tourists sit outside a pizzeria on a european street

Tourists Sit Outside A Pizzeria On A European Street

latte art pour

Latte Art Pour

espresso machine double shot into cup

Espresso Machine Double Shot Into Cup

outdoor teal cafe tables

Outdoor Teal Cafe Tables

espresso service

Espresso Service

intimate table for two

Intimate Table For Two

white mug with coffee splashing out of it

White Mug With Coffee Splashing Out of It

man holding a latte

Man Holding A Latte

close up on espresso machine pull

Close Up On Espresso Machine Pull

fresh double espresso being made by barista

Fresh Double Espresso Being Made By Barista

quirky side street

Quirky Side Street

matcha latte in a grey mug on a white table

Matcha Latte In A Grey Mug On A White Table

a hand holds a bunch of sage

A Hand Holds A Bunch of Sage

row of pour over coffee being brewed

Row Of Pour Over Coffee Being Brewed

rice and chopsticks

Rice And Chopsticks

a man and a woman share a smile over coffee

A Man And A Woman Share A Smile Over Coffee

coffee process with glassware at cafe

Coffee Process With Glassware At Cafe

healthy smoothie on cafe table

Healthy Smoothie On Cafe Table

espresso machine pours out hot and fresh shot

Espresso Machine Pours Out Hot And Fresh Shot

barrista holding latte

Barrista Holding Latte

sparkling cocktail in tall glass

Sparkling Cocktail In Tall Glass

fresh baked pastry at modern cafe

Fresh Baked Pastry At Modern Cafe

through wine glass

Through Wine Glass

pouring steamed milk in espresso to make heart

Pouring Steamed Milk In Espresso To Make Heart

baked clams fine dining

Baked Clams Fine Dining

apple cinnamon smoothie

Apple Cinnamon Smoothie

ice cream stacked on tart

Ice Cream Stacked On Tart

small down with vibrant green liquid sits on a black tray

Small Down With Vibrant Green Liquid Sits On A Black Tray

set restaurant table

Set Restaurant Table

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