Reading Images and Photos

Looking for reading pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos related to reading. All photos are in HD format and free to download

young girl reading on train

Young Girl Reading On Train

reading on the dock

Reading On The Dock

novel lays open on a blue linen blanket

Novel Lays Open On A Blue Linen Blanket

stack of books and candles on a lounge coffee table

Stack Of Books And Candles On A Lounge Coffee Table

person reads a book sitting in a window alcove

Person Reads A Book Sitting In A Window Alcove

blossoms on pages & linnen

Blossoms On Pages & Linnen

flatlay of a open book surrounded by fresh fruit on white silk

Flatlay Of A Open Book Surrounded By Fresh Fruit On White Silk

man reading hackernoon bitcoin article

Man Reading Hackernoon Bitcoin Article

flatlay of painting supplies and books with dried flowers

Flatlay Of Painting Supplies And Books With Dried Flowers

woman reading and drinking coffee from mug

Woman Reading And Drinking Coffee from Mug

torso of a person in white shirt reading a novel

Torso Of A Person In White Shirt Reading A Novel

glasses on made bed

Glasses On Made Bed

large bible held to  chest

Large Bible Held To Chest

Handwritten Cookbook Lays Open To The Cake Section In A Wooden Surface

Handwritten Cookbook Lays Open On A Wooden Surface

man sits on a rock by the water and reading his book

Man Sits On A Rock By The Water And Reading His Book

person sits on rocks and reads a novel in white shirt

Person Sits On Rocks And Reads A Novel In White Shirt

person stands by a brick wall and holds a book open

Person Stands By A Brick Wall And Holds A Book Open

person reads a novel and is getting ready to turn the page

Person Reads A Novel And Is Getting Ready To Turn The Page

reading at coffee table

Reading At Coffee Table

A Book Laying Open On A Patterned Blanket Under Parasol

A Book Laying Open On A Patterned Blanket Under Parasol

frame filled with open novels showing their text

Frame Filled With Open Novels Showing Their Text

flatlay of a picnic in the shadow of a lace umbrella

Flatlay Of A Picnic In The Shadow Of A Lace Umbrella

photo in first person perspective of a person reading a novel

Photo In First Person Perspective Of A Person Reading A Novel

novel lays on a pink background with a tulip on side it

Novel Lays On A Pink Background With A Tulip On Side It

book lays open with food and drink and a summer hat

Book Lays Open With Food And Drink And A Summer Hat

the side of a large old book showing text

The Side Of A Large Old Book Showing Text

relaxing with book

Relaxing With Book

wooden table with a book and drinks

Wooden Table With A Book And Drinks

wet glass with a person reading behind it

Wet Glass With A Person Reading Behind It

novel lays open on dark blue linen fabric

Novel Lays Open On Dark Blue Linen Fabric

a small child reads near a window

A Small Child Reads Near A Window

camera looks down at a persons afternoon summer picnic

Camera Looks Down At A Persons Afternoon Summer Picnic

stacks of hardback books

Stacks Of Hardback Books

woman sits at a wooden table and holds a book

Woman Sits At A Wooden Table And Holds A Book

antique books on a library shelf

Antique Books On A Library Shelf

open bible on white background

Open Bible On White Background

large window with books and tables inside

Large Window With Books And Tables Inside

pink tulips on a glass jar on top of a stack of books

Pink Tulips On A Glass Jar On Top Of A Stack Of Books

woman enjoying coffee and book in the kitchen

Woman Enjoying Coffee And Book In The Kitchen

reading in hospital waiting room

Reading In Hospital Waiting Room

couple sits relaxing in living room

Couple Sits Relaxing In Living Room

woman is sitting under a tree reading on a breezy day

Woman Is Sitting Under A Tree Reading On A Breezy Day

large leatherbound book on a bare table

Large Leatherbound Book On A Bare Table

reading software development blog

Reading Software Development Blog

glasses & pillows on bed

Glasses & Pillows On Bed

woman quietly reads a book under a tall tree

Woman Quietly Reads A Book Under A Tall Tree

cozy couch with a blanket and books

Cozy Couch With A Blanket And Books

bible open to corinthians

Bible Open To Corinthians

woman reading looks at the camera over her shoulder

Woman Reading Looks At The Camera Over Her Shoulder

stack of hardcover books on a red armchair

Stack Of Hardcover Books On A Red Armchair

woman in straw hat on a wooden log reading a book

Woman In Straw Hat On A Wooden Log Reading A Book

a picnic outdoors with a novel fresh figs and chocolate

A Picnic Outdoors With A Novel Fresh Figs And Chocolate

person in white stands reading a novel by a brick wall

Person In White Stands Reading A Novel By A Brick Wall

pages of a book curled into a heart shape

Pages Of A Book Curled Into A Heart Shape

woman holds a book open and looks at the camera

Woman Holds A Book Open And Looks At The Camera

book lays open with a fresh fig resting in the middle

Book Lays Open With A Fresh Fig Resting In The Middle

woman sits outdoors and reads a novel on a fallen log

Woman Sits Outdoors And Reads A Novel On A Fallen Log

books bound together with twine on a white cloth

Books Bound Together With Twine On A White Cloth

bookstore frontage

Bookstore Frontage

person in all white reads a book sitting in a window

Person In All White Reads A Book Sitting In A Window

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How to find great reading images

There are plenty of times when a project might demand images of someone reading. We learn to read as children as a pathway to knowledge, education, and freedom, and almost all of us read something every single day. This means that there’s ton of great reading pictures available on Burst for you to choose from — it’s just a matter of narrowing in on the perfect photos for you.

Most reading photos will include at least one subject with an open book or device, and this person will have a big impact on the picture’s style. Keep in mind that your audience may consistent of younger readers, as well as older ones. Many readers enjoy using this relaxing technique as light-hearted or calming relief, while others may prefer to read poems, abstract fiction, or the news online. In a professional setting or at college, people may be pictured reading in groups — discussing a topic collaboratively as they learn more about it. Oftentimes however, reading is completely solitary. Many readers prefer to curl up at home or find comfort in a library, a coffee shop, or on public transportation while they browse the internet. You’ll find pics of people reading on the subway as they commute through major cities or celebrating time off work by diving into a good story on the beach. Your options when it comes to finding great pictures of readers are nearly endless.

Explore the content from our Burst contributors until you find just what you were looking for. With thousands of royalty-free HD images, you’ll enjoy scrolling through images of people reading as you reminisce about your own favorite books. Once you find the right photo, you can download it for free and start using it right away — it’s that easy.