Puppy Pictures

Looking for puppy images for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of puppies. All photos are in HD format and free to download

portrait of a brussels griffon dog

Portrait Of A Brussels Griffon Dog

small brussels griffon dog looks at the camera

Small Brussels Griffon Dog Looks At The Camera

small puppy curls up next to person reading

Small Puppy Curls Up Next To Person Reading

woman walks through a field of sunflowers

Woman Walks Through A Field Of Sunflowers

small puppy sits on a comfy white blanket

Small Puppy Sits On A Comfy White Blanket

white dog looks through metal fence

White Dog Looks Through Metal Fence

profile of a puppy standing tall

Profile Of A Puppy Standing Tall

dog relaxes and rests his head on a sofa arm rest

Dog Relaxes And Rests His Head On A Sofa Arm Rest

happy doggy

Happy Doggy

fluffy light brown puppy on couch

Fluffy Light Brown Puppy On Couch

white and grey dog sits in snow and looks a the camera

White And Grey Dog Sits In Snow And Looks A The Camera

small puppy sits next to a person reading a book

Small Puppy Sits Next To A Person Reading A Book

close up of a brown and black puppy laid down

Close Up Of A Brown And Black Puppy Laid Down

brussels griffon dog lays in the window light

Brussels Griffon Dog Lays In The Window Light

person holds a puppy and looks at the camera

Person Holds A Puppy And Looks At The Camera

a small white terrier looking stylish

A Small White Terrier Looking Stylish

paws of a puppy on a soft white blanket

Paws Of A Puppy On A Soft White Blanket

golden dog in the shade

Golden Dog In The Shade

small brown dog sits on a couch

Small Brown Dog Sits On A Couch

close up of a dogs face with large eyes

Close Up Of A Dogs Face With Large Eyes

small puppy plays in a fresh winter snowfall

Small Puppy Plays In A Fresh Winter Snowfall

a french bulldog stands proud in the sun

A French Bulldog Stands Proud In The Sun

brussels griffon puppy looks sleepy

Brussels Griffon Puppy Looks Sleepy

person reading next to a puppy on a wool blanket

Person Reading Next To A Puppy On A Wool Blanket

photo of a small brussels griffon puppy dog

Photo Of A Small Brussels Griffon Puppy Dog

small puppy paws on a white blanket

Small Puppy Paws On A White Blanket

small white terrier dog

Small White Terrier Dog

paws on a fluffy white blanket

Paws On A Fluffy White Blanket

dressed up pup

Dressed Up Pup

looking down at hand holding a book with puppy

Looking Down At Hand Holding A Book With Puppy

person writes in a notebook with a puppy sleeping next to them

Person Writes In A Notebook With A Puppy Sleeping Next To Them

dogs need photos too

Dogs Need Photos Too

Small Fluffy Brown Dog Sits On A White Couch

Small Fluffy Brown Dog Sits On A White Couch

a small dog sits on a rock under sunset

A Small Dog Sits On A Rock Under Sunset

pretty in pink

Pretty In Pink

shadows cast over brussels griffon puppy

Shadows Cast Over Brussels Griffon Puppy

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Choosing the right puppy images

Pictures of puppies are universally loved by all. When it comes to choosing the right image for your project, there’s no denying that the options are endless. You can choose from images that highlight different breeds such as pugs, poodles, labradors, and hounds. As you begin your search for the right puppy images, consider the story that you are trying to tell. Draw from your products or services for inspiration. For example, if your store sells puppy portraits, you’ll want to choose close-up photos of proper puppies. If you sell playful accessories for pets, you could choose cute bright photos of smiling pups.

Try choosing a puppy photo that matches your brand’s style. If your brand is sophisticated and moody, choose photos that are dark and crisp. For more minimalistic and light brands, choose photos with neutral tones like gray, brown, and white. We are constantly adding to our collection of free HD pet photos. Whatever it is that you’re looking for, we guarantee you’ll find hundreds of options as you scroll through the images on Burst. Not sure where to begin when choosing puppy pictures? Try browsing through our other animal collections until you find an image that resonates with you or your business. For more inspiration, check out our latest collections of duck, ice cream, or cow photos. Once you find your niche, you can continue to download full res images for your other projects.

At Burst, we offer a free library of stock images that provides the latest images of puppies in HD format. This provides endless opportunities for sharing images across your website or social media channels. If you’re ready to start your search, check out the latest free photos powered by our Burst contributors and download them onto your desktop or mobile devices in seconds.