Pink Background Images

Looking for pink background photos for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos with pink background. All photos are in HD format and free to download

tulip flowers with love card

Tulip Flowers With Love Card

female yoga fashion with yoga mat

Female Yoga Fashion with Yoga Mat

fun swimming products

Fun Swimming Products

milkshake on pink

Milkshake On Pink

vanilla milkshake on pinks

Vanilla Milkshake On Pinks

mothers day flowers

Mothers Day Flowers

close up of female yoga outfit

Close Up Of Female Yoga Outfit

several different fruits lay on a pink background

Several Different Fruits Lay On A Pink Background

female yoga fashion and mat

Female Yoga Fashion And Mat

Pink Color Gradient With Marbled Effect

Pink Color Gradient With Marbled Effect

hand holds pink glass bottle against pink

Hand Holds Pink Glass Bottle Against Pink

medium shot of female yoga outfit

Medium Shot Of Female Yoga Outfit

happy new year in letters and confetti

Happy New Year In Letters And Confetti

black bikini product

Black Bikini Product

novel lays on a pink background with a tulip on side it

Novel Lays On A Pink Background With A Tulip On Side It

minimalist 2021 on pink background

Minimalist 2021 On Pink Background

2021 in words on pink background

2021 In Words On Pink Background

side profile of female yoga outfit

Side Profile Of Female Yoga Outfit

white bowl surrounded by herbs chilis and lime slices

White Bowl Surrounded By Herbs Chilis And Lime Slices

pink tool flatlay

Pink Tool Flatlay

blue & black bathing suit

Blue & Black Bathing Suit

pineapple with aviator sunglasses

Pineapple With Aviator Sunglasses

a green teapot and teabags leaning on it

A Green Teapot And Teabags Leaning On It

pearl top lays in shadowed lights on pink background

Pearl Top Lays In Shadowed Lights On Pink Background

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Choosing complimentary pink background images

When it comes to colorful background images, pink offers among the most variety. After all, shades of pink can vary from peachy orange to light lavender, and everything in between. If someone says they don’t like pink, they probably just haven’t found the right version yet!

Since many pinks are subtle and soft, they can make for terrific backgrounds for all kinds of creative materials. From the backdrop on portraits, to the basis of a product flatlay on a retail site, to a business presentation deck, the right pink background photo can make the perfect foundation for your next project.

Start by asking yourself if you need a blank pink background picture or if you want to showcase something or someone against the backdrop. Browse through our collection to gain inspiration from pink patterns and gradients that might enhance the texture of your background. If you want a clean and simple display, stick to images with minimal designs and tones. If you aren’t finding what you need, get creative and explore other Burst collections that contain hints of pink photos for your background. For example, an image of a beautiful golden hour sunset might just do the trick! Or perhaps a rosy beach captured within a tropical destination is the right fit for your background? If your goal is to find a specific style that you have in mind, try exploring various themes that represent your industry. For example, if your brand sells cosmetics, try searching for rose colored beauty products, like lipstick or lip balm.

Once you find the perfect pink background image, download it to your desktop or mobile device in seconds and start putting it to use. All of Burst’s pics are royalty-free, which means you can use them in your marketing and advertising materials, or whatever other projects you have on the go.