Microphone Images

Looking for microphone pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of microphone. All photos are in HD format and free to download

live concert drums

Live Concert Drums

contact customer service

Contact Customer Service

a black microphone accompanied by a notebook and vintage camera

A Black Microphone Accompanied By A Notebook And Vintage Camera

microphone on mic stand

Microphone On Mic Stand

customer service representative

Customer Service Representative

call customer service

Call Customer Service

four black microphones lay on a pink background

Four Black Microphones Lay On A Pink Background

a close up of black microphone

A Close Up Of Black Microphone

woman adjusts microphone

Woman Adjusts Microphone

dslr with microphone on city ledge

DSLR With Microphone On City Ledge

woman adjusting headphones at mic

Woman Adjusting Headphones At Mic

microphone on stand left of frame against blue

Microphone On Stand Left Of Frame Against Blue

woman sits in front of a computer and talks into a microphone

Woman Sits In Front Of A Computer And Talks Into A Microphone

black microphone set against a pink background

Black Microphone Set Against A Pink Background

a black mounted metal microphone against red

A Black Mounted Metal Microphone Against Red

black microphones pattern on a yellow background

Black Microphones Pattern On A Yellow Background

black microphone on a stand reflecting orange light

Black Microphone On A Stand Reflecting Orange Light

radio style microphone on tee air

Radio Style Microphone On Tee Air

microphone on a stand and laptop in monochrome

Microphone On A Stand And Laptop In Monochrome

black tilted microphone and a computer keyboard

Black Tilted Microphone And A Computer Keyboard

retro radio microphone against purple background

Retro Radio Microphone Against Purple Background

black microphone against orange photo

Black Microphone Against Orange Photo

hand grips a black microphone against red background

Hand Grips A Black Microphone Against Red Background

black microphone against a vibrant orange background

Black Microphone Against A Vibrant Orange Background

black microphone on a metal stand against deep red

Black Microphone On A Metal Stand Against Deep Red

man sits in front of a black microphone and his laptop

Man Sits In Front Of A Black Microphone And His Laptop

photo of a black recording microphone

Photo Of A Black Recording Microphone

person in front of microphone holding their cell phone

Person In Front Of Microphone Holding Their Cell Phone

radio mic on the air with blank black

Radio Mic On The Air With Blank Black

bearded man standing behind a black microphone

Bearded Man Standing Behind A Black Microphone

singer on stage holds mic

Singer On Stage Holds Mic

handheld microphone

Handheld Microphone

microphone for christmas carols

Microphone For Christmas Carols

on the air microphone and hand

On The Air Microphone And Hand

a black microphone mounted on a stand

A Black Microphone Mounted On A Stand

a black microphone lays on yellow backdrop

A Black Microphone Lays On Yellow Backdrop

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How to choose the right microphone images

We use microphones more today than ever before. While we’ve always relied on microphones to hear our favorite artists perform at live shows, or when listening to keynote speakers at a professional event, they’ve since become an increasing part of our everyday life. If you’re searching for great images of microphones, you’ll want to start by clarifying exactly what type of microphone you need to showcase.

As our workforce moves more and more online, many of us are spending more time working from home and using microphones on our headsets to contribute to meetings. Similarly, when we throw in headphones to call a friend from our smartphones, we’re speaking through built-in microphones that we don’t even think about and that we can hardly see. Depending on the pictures of microphones you need, you may want to focus on one of these specific collections.

Your options of microphone photos don’t end there, either. Maybe you’re envisioning a fitness instructor guiding a class through a high-intensity workout, using a mic or headset. Or maybe you’re launching a new podcast and you need pictures of recording equipment, as well as a classic radio microphone for your branding materials.

We use microphones more often than you might think, which means that there are tons of digital photo assets to choose from. Explore Burst’s extensive royalty-free library to find the perfect high res pics for your next project, then download them to your desktop or mobile device to put them to use.