Law and Justice Photos

Looking for law pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free Legal related images. All photos are in HD format and free to download

scales of justice

Scales Of Justice

gavel on law books

Gavel On Law Books

judgement gavel on white

Judgement Gavel On White

judge gavel and law books

Judge Gavel And Law Books

balance scale tilted right

Balance Scale Tilted Right

law books and judge gavel

Law Books And Judge Gavel

judges time

Judges Time

judge slamming down a gavel

Judge Slamming Down A Gavel

judge hammers gavel

Judge Hammers Gavel

wooden judge gavel

Wooden Judge Gavel

gavel on law book

Gavel On Law Book

a judge addresses the court

A Judge Addresses The Court

prisoner in handcuffs

Prisoner In Handcuffs

a uniformed police woman

A Uniformed Police Woman

close up of police officer's utility belt

Close Up Of Police Officer's Utility Belt

prisoner led away

Prisoner Led Away

a prisoner in an interrogation room glares at detectives

A Prisoner In An interrogation Room Glares At Detectives

legal gavel close up

Legal Gavel Close Up

a judge reviewing evidence in court

A Judge Reviewing Evidence In Court

judge and gavel in court

Judge And Gavel In Court

evidence page in law book

Evidence Page In Law Book

knuckles tighten on two hands squeezing the bars of their prison

Knuckles Tighten On Two Hands Squeezing The Bars Of Their Prison

criminal appeals page in law book

Criminal Appeals Page In Law Book

courtroom gavel

Courtroom Gavel

judges gavel on bench

Judges Gavel On Bench

gavel on judges bench

Gavel On Judges Bench

judges-eye view

Judges-Eye View

two hands clench the bars of a prison cell

Two Hands Clench The Bars Of A Prison Cell

a gavel waiting to be struck

A Gavel Waiting To Be Struck

waiting for judgement

Waiting For Judgement

behind the judges bench

Behind The Judges Bench

two hands in handcuffs lean on bars of a prison cell

Two Hands In Handcuffs Lean On Bars Of A Prison Cell

a gavel at rest

A Gavel At Rest

police officer walks through the darkness

Police Officer Walks Through The Darkness

hands in handcuffs in a prison cell

Hands In Handcuffs In A Prison Cell

the faint shape of a prisoner behind black prison bars

The Faint Shape Of A Prisoner Behind Black Prison Bars

a woman in an orange jumpsuit sits in a prison cell

A Woman In An Orange Jumpsuit Sits In A Prison Cell

a female prisoner sits on her cell bed with head in hands

A Female Prisoner Sits On Her Cell Bed With Head In Hands

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Finding law images online

Law images are used in all kinds of settings to represent different goals — from literal references to more symbolic use cases. As a central element of our society, pictures of the law and its surrounding practices resonate quickly with just about everyone, making them an impactful choice for all kinds of different projects.

There are a few symbolic icons of law that are often used to visually represent abstract concepts. For instance, the judge’s gavel is a great image to use for the concept of justice, as are the scales of justice represented by a simple balance. There are also several ways law pictures may include a human element to make images more relatable. For example, images of policemen and women and photos of judges in court support legal scenarios and themes. You can get creative in highlighting objects and structures that can be found within a courthouse scenario. Whether you’re looking to convey a point or add elements of justice to your projects, we guarantee you’ll find many options to choose from.

If you need help selecting the right photo for your project, think about whether or not your photos of the law need to take on a more intense, or even sinister expression. For example, moody back alleys and dark correctional facilities fill many of the related collections — but the law has a happier side, too. Maybe you’re searching for images of happy couples at their wedding being united by legal matrimony, or photos of common-law partnerships demonstrating their love for one another. Or maybe still you’re searching for images of law school and would be best suited exploring education and college collections within Burst’s expansive library.

Whatever it is you’re looking for, start your search by exploring our content powered by Burst contributors, and think creatively about which additional keywords or collections may lead you to the HD images you need.