Keyboard Photos

Check out a ton of free high-resolution stock photos on Burst for your next project: keyboards, laptops, computers, and mouse devices.

over shoulder of retail business owner

Over Shoulder Of Retail Business Owner

black friday display

Black Friday Display

work space from above as they type in a laptop

Work Space From Above As They Type In A Laptop

typewriter keys

Typewriter Keys

man at desk looking at his mobile

Man At Desk Looking At His Mobile

man reading hackernoon bitcoin article

Man Reading Hackernoon Bitcoin Article

shopify laptop at small meeting

Shopify Laptop At Small Meeting

2020 goals on a typewriter machine

2020 Goals On A Typewriter Machine

scheduled routine on laptop screen

Scheduled Routine On Laptop Screen

students team work

Students Team Work

writing in notebook at desk

Writing In Notebook At Desk

laptop with shopify sticker

Laptop With Shopify Sticker

school supplies knolling

School Supplies Knolling

black power cord plugged into a silver laptop

Black Power Cord Plugged Into A Silver Laptop

man at computer looking at graphs drinking coffee

Man At Computer Looking At Graphs Drinking Coffee

dark close up of a dj booth

Dark Close Up Of A DJ Booth

busy tech staff on laptops

Busy Tech Staff On Laptops

any questions on a typewriter machine

Any Questions On A Typewriter Machine

store owner checking on his orders

Store Owner Checking On His Orders

three woman hold a meeting at a dark wooden table

Three Woman Hold A Meeting At A Dark Wooden Table

teatime design flat lay with typewriter

Teatime Design Flat Lay With Typewriter

yoga mat flatlay with laptop and water bottle

Yoga Mat Flatlay With Laptop And Water Bottle

resume checklist next to laptop

Resume Checklist Next To Laptop

well dressed store owner checks on his online store

Well Dressed Store Owner Checks On His Online Store

team shares a laugh in modern coworking space in india

Team Shares A Laugh In Modern Coworking Space In India

work day essentials layed out

Work Day Essentials Layed Out

man sits with laptop

Man Sits With Laptop

return button

Return Button

three professionals on couch

Three Professionals On Couch

man working at desk

Man Working At Desk

hand holds a pencil ready to write at a desk

Hand Holds A Pencil Ready To Write At A Desk

young man and woman at table in coffee shop

Young Man And Woman At Table In Coffee Shop

person leans over their desk and takes notes

Person Leans Over Their Desk And Takes Notes

woman sitting on pink bed with her laptop and pphone

Woman Sitting On Pink Bed With Her Laptop And Pphone

delicate hands using laptops

Delicate Hands Using Laptops

flatlay of a tablet cellphone and laptop keyboard on grey

Flatlay Of A Tablet Cellphone And Laptop Keyboard ON Grey

white desktop computer with coffee mug

White Desktop Computer With Coffee Mug

coworking space with laptops from above

Coworking Space With Laptops From Above

antique typewriter

Antique Typewriter

photographer sits on floor holding a camera to their face

Photographer Sits On Floor Holding A Camera To Their Face

woman reading notes

Woman Reading Notes

black friday workstation

Black Friday Workstation

a laptop on a desk with plant overhead

A Laptop On A Desk With Plant Overhead

laptop glowing in the dark

Laptop Glowing In The Dark

hands on laptop working on online store

Hands On Laptop Working On Online Store

working on laptop surrounded by indoor plants

Working On Laptop Surrounded By Indoor Plants

you live you learn on a typewriter machine

You Live You Learn On A Typewriter Machine

black microphone on a stand reflecting orange light

Black Microphone On A Stand Reflecting Orange Light

office flatlay with camera gear and orange fruit

Office Flatlay With Camera Gear And Orange Fruit

not the usual office

Not The Usual Office

hands type on a laptop that is next to a tablet

Hands Type On A Laptop That Is Next To A Tablet

person works from their couch talking to laptop screen

Person Works From Their Couch Talking To Laptop Screen

microphone on a stand and laptop in monochrome

Microphone On A Stand And Laptop In Monochrome

black tilted microphone and a computer keyboard

Black Tilted Microphone And A Computer Keyboard

hand counting money in india

Hand Counting Money In India

person sits in front of a laptop and takes notes

Person Sits In Front Of A Laptop And Takes Notes

person sits on the floor and looks at the back of there camera

Person Sits On The Floor And Looks At The Back Of There Camera

a woman smiles at her laptop

A Woman Smiles At Her Laptop

poolside using smart phone

Poolside Using Smart Phone

front facing view of clean desk and chair setup

Front Facing View Of Clean Desk And Chair Setup

Trending business ideas

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Our collection of free stock photos of computers, keyboards and laptops

The History of Typing

It’s no secret that keyboards have their aesthetic roots in the typewriter - however, keyboards used in modern computing trace their technological roots back to teleprinters - an electromechanical typewriter that was used to send and receive typed messages.

It was through these devices that modern keyboards inherited their layouts. Teleprinter keyboards played an important role in communication through most of the 20th century. Throughout the 1940’s to 1960’s - teleprinter keyboards were vital when it came to data-entry, and when the first computers began development - this style of keyboard became integral to what were known then as computer terminals (a hardware device used to enter data into a computing system).

As computing started to develop further in the 1970’s to more video-based computer terminals, the keyboard remained the most common device for data entry. As the era of personal computing started to take shape in the 1980’s and 1990’s - the keyboard became an integral part of video-based computing.

Today, keyboards are an intrinsic part of computing - not just as a physical piece of hardware but even with smartphone and tablets - which have integrated virtual, touch-screen based data entry.

The Computer and Business

Today, computers and technology have become an integral part of the way a business is run. Even if your business is completely devoid of any tech-related enterprises - running a business without computers just isn’t possible in 2017. Computers are used for everything from inventory management, to advertising, to presentations - even basic peer-to-peer communication is primarily done on computers.

It’s for this reason that imagery of computers, laptops, mouse devices, and monitors works so well when branding a business as efficient and professional. Our free stock photos are great for company-wide flyers, job postings, and more! Give your next project some much needed flair with our HD downloadable pictures.

Mouse Devices, Keyboard and Laptop photos

If you’re an entrepreneur working in the tech industry - there’s nothing like a slick keyboard photo to give your advertising a visceral - realistic feel. At Burst - we’ve got a ton of computer and keyboard related photos for you to browse through.

Need a shot of a shiny new Apple laptop for a job landing page? Look no further! You’re next photo is just a mouse click away! Bursts collection of computer and office pictures make a great addition to any ad or web-page.