Jewelry photos

With our database of stunning jewelry photos - you can free yourself of the hassle of getting great product shots. All of our photos are high-definition and free to download for your next project or business venture.

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gemstone jewelry

Gemstone Jewelry

close up of a gold necklace on a person in a white shirt

Close Up Of A Gold Necklace On A Person In A White Shirt

colorful background with gold jewelry displayed on it

Colorful Background With Gold Jewelry Displayed On It

blue and green background with silver jewelry

Blue And Green Background With Silver Jewelry

close up of classic gold and leather watch

Close Up Of Classic Gold And Leather Watch

variety of watches lined up in rows

Variety Of Watches Lined Up In Rows

hand holds a large bundle of bracelets

Hand Holds A Large Bundle Of Bracelets

gold arrow bracelet

Gold Arrow Bracelet

files and hammers flatlay

Files And Hammers Flatlay

gold bird necklace

Gold Bird Necklace

rose gold wedding ring

Rose Gold Wedding Ring

photo of a persons neck with a gold necklace

Photo Of A Persons Neck With A Gold Necklace

tiara placed on the head

Tiara Placed On The Head

delicate gold chain

Delicate Gold Chain

woman silhouette with pearl necklace

Woman Silhouette With Pearl Necklace

silver origami necklace

Silver Origami Necklace

a pocket watch laying on a black and orange background

A Pocket Watch Laying On A Black And Orange Background

blue and pink background with earrings in a line

Blue And Pink Background With Earrings In A Line

silver threader necklace

Silver Threader Necklace

flatlay of writing in a notebook

Flatlay Of Writing In A Notebook

half pink half blue background with stud earrings in a row

Half Pink Half Blue Background With Stud Earrings In A Row

black choker necklace ad

Black Choker Necklace Ad

half blue half green background with earrings and a ring

Half Blue Half Green Background With Earrings And A Ring

work space from above as they type in a laptop

Work Space From Above As They Type In A Laptop

dainty choker necklace

Dainty Choker Necklace

womens anchor bracelet

Womens Anchor Bracelet

women's necklace

Women's Necklace

torso of a person in white shirt reading a novel

Torso Of A Person In White Shirt Reading A Novel

gemstones and tools flatlay

Gemstones And Tools Flatlay

woman waiting

Woman Waiting

chakra bracelet on marble

Chakra Bracelet On Marble

sun friendship bracelet

Sun Friendship Bracelet

row of necklace chains close up

Row Of Necklace Chains Close Up

person stands by a brick wall and holds a book open

Person Stands By A Brick Wall And Holds A Book Open

person reads a novel and is getting ready to turn the page

Person Reads A Novel And Is Getting Ready To Turn The Page

guardian angel earrings

Guardian Angel Earrings

colorful beaded bracelets on a beige background

Colorful Beaded Bracelets On A Beige Background

anchor bracelet gold

Anchor Bracelet Gold

white lace choker

White Lace Choker

photo in first person perspective of a person reading a novel

Photo In First Person Perspective Of A Person Reading A Novel

bangle bracelet with jewels

Bangle Bracelet With Jewels

anchor bracelet for men

Anchor Bracelet For Men

half blue and half pink photo with earrings lined up

Half Blue And Half Pink Photo With Earrings Lined Up

portrait of a woman wearing bold white sunglasses

Portrait Of A Woman Wearing Bold White Sunglasses

black buddha bracelet

Black Buddha Bracelet

friends celebrating with champagne

Friends Celebrating With Champagne

a tanned woman exhibits anklet on rocky seashore

A Tanned Woman Exhibits Anklet On Rocky Seashore

hands cup white beads with black letters on them

Hands Cup White Beads With Black Letters On Them

a close up of hands typing on a keyboard

A Close Up Of Hands Typing On A Keyboard

chakra bracelet

Chakra Bracelet

rose gold wedding ring with large stone

Rose Gold Wedding Ring With Large Stone

white lace choker product photo

White Lace Choker Product Photo

diamond and pearl crown tiara

Diamond And Pearl Crown Tiara

a hand cups silicone rings

A Hand Cups Silicone Rings

the left hand adjusts a ring on the right hand

The Left Hand Adjusts A Ring On The Right Hand

persons hand with a ring on it against blue

Persons Hand With A Ring On It Against Blue

long tied choker necklace

Long Tied Choker Necklace

woman wearing charm bracelet

Woman Wearing Charm Bracelet

jewlers organized rotary tool accesories

Jewlers Organized Rotary Tool Accesories

black floral choker necklace

Black Floral Choker Necklace

Trending business ideas

Choose from over 20 online business ideas that are particularly popular this year. Each in-depth case study includes supplier info, marketing tips, business model insights and free high-resolution images for your store and marketing campaigns. Case studies are updated regularly, so check back often or subscribe for updates to stay on trend!

Stunning, HD Photos of Diamond Rings, Pictures of Bracelets and Fine Jewellery

When it comes to selling jewelry online there’s no greater asset that the perfect product shot. Compare a gorgeously high-definition image of gold glistening under rich, full light to a dull, lifeless bracelet sitting on a table. The two images can showcase the exact same product - but without truly putting the beauty of the products on display - potentials buyers might move on.

That’s why great imagery is so important when selling jewellery. With our database of stunning jewelry photos - you can free yourself of the hassle of getting great product shots. All of our photos are high-definition and free to download for your next project or business venture.

Tips for Taking Your Own Photos of Jewelry

For some business owners, the uniqueness of their pieces prevents them from being able to use stock photo imagery. With so many online merchants breaking into the emerging craft/DIY jewellery market, it’s just not possible to use stock images.

If you’re selling your own homemade jewelry - here are some tips to get the best shots of your beautiful products:

1. Focus on the Diamond, Gemstone or Watch Centerpiece

When photographing jewellery, it’s best to have your camera in “spot focus” mode which emphasizes the main subject and allows it to stand out from the background. When taking a shot of a diamond ring or rhinestone necklace - it’s best to have the most focus and clarity on the center of the piece so that it stands out from the rest of the product.

2. Gold Shimmers Under Soft Light

Normally soft (or “diffused”) lighting works best for shooting gold, diamond, silver and other glistening materials. On-camera flash never works particularly well with jewelly because it’s usually too bright at a close distance and can create a jarring mesh of unwanted brights spots and shadows. It’s best to use continuous lighting when photographing jewellery and to take notices of what level of lighting provides the best “shimmer” for the products.

3. Shoot Rings Close

This trues of all jewelry but especially true of diamond rings. You want to shoot from a close angle (about a foot away) - turned down slightly. This sort of angle will compliment your soft lighting and spot-focus and give you an image that sharpy catches the centre of your product.

4. Use a Tripod for Effective Jewelry Photography

A tripod or some form of camera support is a must when photographing jewellery. The reason is because when you’re this focused in on the image - even the slightest movements can cause the image to blur. A blurry image can come off as careless to your audience and will result in lost sales.