Hospital, ambulance, emergency & surgery pictures

Take a peek at our collection of hospital images. Download high-quality, royalty-free stock photos of emergency rooms, ambulances, hospitals, intensive care, surgery, and more. Free to use on any commercial projects.

a doctor visits a woman in a hospital bed

A Doctor Visits A Woman In A Hospital Bed

a hospital patient stares out window of room

A Hospital Patient Stares Out Window Of Room

medical monitoring machine and supplies in hospital hallway

Medical Monitoring Machine And Supplies In Hospital Hallway

medical professional in scrubs unwraps sterile forceps

Medical Professional In Scrubs Unwraps Sterile Forceps

emergency exit door

Emergency Exit Door

a man sat on a hospital bed silhouetted against the window

A Man Sat On A Hospital Bed Silhouetted Against The Window

a man in a hospital room stares down at the floor

A Man In A Hospital Room Stares Down At The Floor

a man sits on his hospital bed and stares at the ground

A Man Sits On His Hospital Bed And Stares At The Ground

a hospital patient sat in bed with his hands crossed

A Hospital Patient Sat In Bed With His Hands Crossed

sample jar in hand

Sample Jar In Hand

two parked fire engines

Two Parked Fire Engines

santa maria della scala from afar

Santa Maria Della Scala From Afar

three surgeons stare down during surgery

Three Surgeons Stare Down During Surgery

a surgeon ties his head scrub

A Surgeon Ties His Head Scrub

gloved hand of doctor in scrubs holds straight forceps

Gloved Hand Of Doctor In Scrubs Holds Straight Forceps

a man sits on his hospital bed and stares into the distance

A Man Sits On His Hospital Bed And Stares Into The Distance

santa maria della scala square

Santa Maria Della Scala Square

scene of an empty doctors office

Scene Of An Empty Doctors Office

doctor collects sample

Doctor Collects Sample

a male patient on a hospital bed silhouetted by window light

A Male Patient On A Hospital Bed Silhouetted By Window Light

a medical professional holds bloody gauze in forceps

A Medical Professional Holds Bloody Gauze In Forceps

surgeons prepare for surgery in an operating room

Surgeons Prepare for Surgery In An Operating Room

an empty hospital bed in a darkening room

An Empty Hospital Bed In A Darkening Room

a man propped up in hospital bed with hands crossed

A Man Propped Up In Hospital Bed With Hands Crossed

a surgeon in scrubs mid-operation

A Surgeon In Scrubs Mid-Operation

medical professional in scrubs holds bloody gauze and tools

Medical Professional In Scrubs Holds Bloody Gauze And Tools

sunset illuminates an empty hospital bed

Sunset Illuminates An Empty Hospital Bed

three surgeons in scrubs

Three Surgeons In Scrubs

one surgeon passes another a scalpel

One Surgeon Passes Another A Scalpel

holding up sample jar

Holding up Sample Jar

staring up at three surgeons mid-operation

Staring Up At Three Surgeons Mid-Operation

hospital no smoking sign

Hospital No Smoking Sign

three surgeons stand around a patient

Three Surgeons Stand Around A Patient

surgeons huddled around a patient on a hospital bed

Surgeons Huddled Around A Patient On A Hospital Bed

a male patient lying in hospital bed

A Male Patient Lying In Hospital Bed

nurse adjusts the dials on a weight apparatus

Nurse Adjusts The Dials On A Weight Apparatus

a surgeon handles bloody gauze pad

A Surgeon Handles Bloody Gauze Pad

santa maria della scala

Santa Maria Della Scala

a surgeon handles gauze pad and surgical equipment

A Surgeon Handles Gauze Pad And Surgical Equipment

surgeon transfers bloody gauze to dish

Surgeon Transfers Bloody Gauze To Dish

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