Health & wellness images

Find the perfect picture of patients, doctors, healthy lifestyles & diets, vitamins, exercise and more on Burst. All our pics are royalty-free & HD.

surgeon wearing face mask

Surgeon Wearing Face Mask

garudasana pose yoga

Garudasana Pose Yoga

doctor sits against wall

Doctor Sits Against Wall

woman stretching before run

Woman Stretching Before Run

dental checkup

Dental Checkup

wide legged forward fold

Wide Legged Forward Fold

women reach up

Women Reach Up

salad with chicken

Salad With Chicken

homemade granola and muesli bars

Homemade Granola And Muesli Bars

crescent moon pose side stretch

Crescent Moon Pose Side Stretch

seated side stretch bend

Seated Side Stretch Bend

shoelace pose forward fold

Shoelace Pose Forward Fold

dancers pose yoga

Dancers Pose Yoga

fresh vegetables arranged on chopping board flatlay

Fresh Vegetables Arranged On Chopping Board Flatlay

doctor approaches patient

Doctor Approaches Patient

male doctor standing with arms crossed

Male Doctor Standing With Arms Crossed

fresh asparagus

Fresh Asparagus

runner stretching by brick wall

Runner Stretching By Brick Wall

smiling dentist

Smiling Dentist

doctor walking down hallway with clipboard

Doctor Walking Down Hallway With Clipboard

woman doing childs pose

Woman Doing Childs Pose

fresh garden salad

Fresh Garden Salad

fruit and veggie flatlay

Fruit And Veggie Flatlay

dancers pose yoga rooftop

Dancers Pose Yoga Rooftop

yoga forward fold feet

Yoga Forward Fold Feet

childs pose

Childs Pose

tropical poolside cocktail

Tropical Poolside Cocktail

lime cut in half on green surface

Lime Cut In Half On Green Surface

yin yoga saddle pose

Yin Yoga Saddle Pose

colorful fresh vegetables flatlay

Colorful Fresh Vegetables Flatlay

extended hand to toe pose

Extended Hand To Toe Pose

male doctor holding out stethoscope

Male Doctor Holding Out Stethoscope

male doctor with stethoscope and clipboard

Male Doctor With Stethoscope And Clipboard

women stretching in exercise class

Women Stretching In Exercise Class

balasana yoga

Balasana Yoga

four limbed staff pose

Four Limbed Staff Pose

eagle arms yoga

Eagle Arms Yoga

upward facing dog yoga

Upward Facing Dog Yoga

dancers pose yoga pose

Dancers Pose Yoga Pose

nurse pushing wheelchair

Nurse Pushing Wheelchair

fresh squeezed orange juice

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

person stretching in fitness clothing

Person Stretching In Fitness Clothing

female medical professional holds clipboard in hospital room

Female Medical Professional Holds Clipboard In Hospital Room

stretches smiles

Stretches Smiles

doctor and nurse examine x-rays

Doctor And Nurse Examine X-Rays

healthy dining salads wraps and bowls

Healthy Dining Salads Wraps And Bowls

lord of the dance post

Lord Of The Dance Post

arms reach up with a smart watch on

Arms Reach Up With A Smart Watch On

fresh salad ingredients on cutting board

Fresh Salad Ingredients On Cutting Board

stretching at workout

Stretching At Workout

urdhva mukha svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

runner in snow park

Runner In Snow Park

female doctor

Female Doctor

dentist and patient

Dentist And Patient

patient receives some good news

Patient Receives Some Good News

Glass With Iced Red Beverage Reflects On A White Table

Glass With Iced Red Beverage Reflects On A White Table

male doctor holding clipboard

Male Doctor Holding Clipboard

person wearing white gloves prepares a needle

Person Wearing White Gloves Prepares A Needle

fresh salad ingredients in kitchen

Fresh Salad Ingredients In Kitchen

eka pada rajakapotasana

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

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