Factory Photos

Looking for factory pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of factories and industries. All photos are in HD format and free to download

red and brown building with graffiti

Red And Brown Building With Graffiti

a symmetrical building entrance with red doors

A Symmetrical Building Entrance With Red Doors

tall metal structure with weaving staircase

Tall Metal Structure With Weaving Staircase

wide hallway lined with numbers

Wide Hallway Lined With Numbers

industrial building on stilts over lake

Industrial Building On Stilts Over Lake

top of a red brick high rise building

Top Of A Red Brick High Rise Building

person walks a quiet city street

Person Walks A Quiet City Street

quiet circular train station

Quiet Circular Train Station

metal building and bridge on the lake

Metal Building and Bridge On The Lake

the sun setting over a silhouetted cityscape

The Sun Setting Over A Silhouetted Cityscape

a field of fans

A Field Of Fans

transit platform viewed from an escalator

Transit Platform Viewed From An Escalator

rusted steel bridge and condo building

Rusted Steel Bridge And Condo Building

blue building with a brown door

Blue Building With A Brown Door

a drone shot of a scrap-metal area

A Drone Shot Of A Scrap-Metal Area

scaffolding by a building covered in white cloth

Scaffolding By A Building Covered In White Cloth

a staircase emerges from between two buildings

A Staircase Emerges From Between Two buildings

metal stairwell behind glass windows

Metal Stairwell Behind Glass Windows

two industrial buildings at twilight

Two Industrial Buildings At Twilight

berlin city rooftops on overcast day

Berlin City Rooftops On Overcast Day

a rusty iron staircase in an industrial complex

A Rusty iron Staircase In An Industrial Complex

an iron staircase stretches from the grass up the building

An Iron Staircase Stretches From The Grass Up The Building

a rusty iron staircase ascends an iron building

A Rusty Iron Staircase Ascends An Iron Building

large cement pillars under cement ceiling

Large Cement Pillars Under Cement Ceiling

purple fence with lush green leaves

Purple Fence With Lush Green Leaves

an iron staircase winds around a building

An Iron Staircase Winds Around A Building

sunset over an industrial bridge

Sunset Over An Industrial Bridge

a beam of light strikes the side of a city building

A Beam Of Light Strikes The Side Of A City Building

snowy industry

Snowy Industry

an industrial tower against a grey sky

An Industrial Tower Against A Grey Sky

beam of late afternoon sunlight on the side of a building

Beam Of Late Afternoon Sunlight On The Side Of A Building

grey iron staircase between two buildings

Grey Iron Staircase Between Two Buildings

industrial decay

Industrial Decay

west coast lumber mill

West Coast Lumber Mill

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Where to find factory images

Industrial sites are among some of the most dynamic and interesting spaces, making factory images especially popular in recent years. Factory walls offer beautiful wallpapers as a backdrop for portraits stacked factory equipment and containers create fascinating patterns for the eye to follow, and even billowing smoke from factory equipment has a certain visual allure.

A constant at any factory site is transportation equipment. Whether it’s shipping arrivals into port in an industrial zone, cranes building something new on-site, or rows of cars and trucks acquired over time, the underlying themes of travel and transportation are closely tied to factories. The same goes for layered textures, from painted brick walls marking loading areas, to cement buildings featuring geometric patterns. You’ll be surprised at how surprisingly photogenic factories can be.

Factory photos give off an entirely different impression when they show stark, empty lots versus photos brimming with people carrying on a day’s work. Depending on whether you’re looking for a moody, artistic option or something a bit warmer and more candid, consider experimenting with factory images that do and don’t include humans.

Finding great pictures of factories is a fun creative challenge. It takes an open mind and an eye for captivating patterns to see visual appeal in a factory space — but once you find the perfect shot, there’s no denying it really is beautiful. Regardless of the specific project you’re sourcing factory pictures for, start by browsing Burst collections. Explore our contributed images as you narrow in on the right image for your project, then download it for free when you’ve found the one.