Education Images

Download free stock photos of students reading, writing, studying & learning on Burst. Hundreds of royalty-free education pictures to choose from.

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woman works on her laptop on a wooden bench outdoors

Woman Works On Her Laptop On A Wooden Bench Outdoors

person sits in a room and reads a book

Person Sits In A Room And Reads A Book

plate of summer fruit with drink and an open book

Plate Of Summer Fruit With Drink And An Open Book

woman reads a book outdoors in front of green leaves

Woman Reads A Book Outdoors In Front Of Green Leaves

woman sits by the water and holds a novel open

Woman Sits By The Water And Holds A Novel Open

woman sits against a tree trunk and reads a book

Woman Sits Against A Tree Trunk And Reads A Book

coloring pencils and shavings

Coloring Pencils And Shavings

woman reads a novel in her kitchen

Woman Reads A Novel In Her Kitchen

book stands up opening the pages in sunlight

Book Stands Up Opening The Pages In Sunlight

person holds a novel open and reads

Person Holds A Novel Open And Reads

close up of an open novel in a persons hand

Close Up Of An Open Novel In A Persons Hand

hand traces lines on large old bible

Hand Traces Lines On Large Old Bible

stack of books and a yoga mat

Stack Of Books And A Yoga Mat

pencils point to parings

Pencils Point To Parings

a novel lays open with a bowl of fresh figs next to it

A Novel Lays Open With A Bowl Of Fresh Figs Next To It

person holds a book and flips through the pages

Person Holds A Book And Flips Through The Pages

purple retro sunglasses lay on a open novel in the sunshine

Purple Retro Sunglasses Lay On A Open Novel In The Sunshine

a young girl flips the page

A Young Girl Flips The Page

woman reads a book with rocks and water behind her

Woman Reads A Book With Rocks And Water Behind Her

woman sits and reads a book by the rocky shore

Woman Sits And Reads A Book By The Rocky Shore

close up of pencil shavings

Close Up Of Pencil Shavings

green pencil shavings

Green Pencil Shavings

large coffee table book on a red sofa chair

Large Coffee Table Book On A Red Sofa Chair

woman sits on a stone surface and reads a hardcover book

Woman Sits On A Stone Surface And Reads A Hardcover Book

person and book held in front of their face

Person And Book Held In Front Of Their Face

tiered pages of leatherbound book

Tiered Pages Of Leatherbound Book

mug on a grey bed with a person reading out of focus

Mug On A Grey Bed With A Person Reading Out Of Focus

person reading with the book open on their lap

Person Reading With The Book Open On Their Lap

pair of hands clasped volume of text

Pair Of Hands Clasped Volume Of Text

person sits in front of a wall lined with potted plants

Person Sits In Front Of A Wall Lined With Potted Plants

over the shoulder of a person reading a book

Over The Shoulder Of A Person Reading A Book

person reads a novel and holds their hand to their face

Person Reads A Novel And Holds Their Hand To Their Face

person reads their novel sitting on a sandy beach

Person Reads Their Novel Sitting On A Sandy Beach

woman in glasses reads a novel by the water

Woman In Glasses Reads A Novel By The Water

woman sits under a tree and reads a book in the breeze

Woman Sits Under A Tree And Reads A Book In The Breeze

typewrite says back to school

Typewrite Says Back To School

looking down at a stack of books on a red sofa chair

Looking Down At A Stack Of Books On A Red Sofa Chair

hands holding a hardcover novel

Hands Holding A Hardcover Novel

person sits with a large book in their lap in the dark

Person Sits With A Large Book In Their Lap In The Dark

embossed leather bible held vertical

Embossed Leather Bible Held Vertical

woman outdoors smiles while reading outdoors

Woman Outdoors Smiles While Reading Outdoors

hands hold a book over striped pants

Hands Hold A Book Over Striped Pants

person dangles hair over gilded tome

Person Dangles Hair Over Gilded Tome

soft pink flower of a tulip holds place in a book

Soft Pink Flower Of A Tulip Holds Place In A Book

person holds a large book on their lap and reads

Person Holds A Large Book On Their Lap And Reads

coloring pencils point to shavings

Coloring Pencils Point To Shavings

leatherbound spine on embossed bible

Leatherbound Spine On Embossed Bible

close up of woman reading in a blue face mask

Close Up Of Woman Reading In A Blue Face Mask

two rows of school busses

Two Rows Of School Busses

woman holds a book and sits on rocks by the water

Woman Holds A Book And Sits On Rocks By The Water

person reading a novel on the couch

Person Reading A Novel On The Couch

person stands on a pier and reads a book

Person Stands On A Pier And Reads A Book

photo of hands holding a hardcover novel

Photo Of Hands Holding A Hardcover Novel

woman sits on a bench outdoors with a book smiling

Woman Sits On A Bench Outdoors With A Book Smiling

woman reads her book sitting on a wooden log on the beach

Woman Reads Her Book Sitting On A Wooden Log On The Beach

woman dressed in all white sits against a wall to read a book

Woman Dressed In All White Sits Against A Wall To Read A Book

person bathed in golden light stands and reads a book

Person Bathed In Golden Light Stands And Reads A Book

persons torso in a green shirt reads a hardcover novel

Persons Torso In A Green Shirt Reads A Hardcover Novel

person reads a novel on the sandy beach by a tree

Person Reads A Novel On The Sandy Beach By A Tree

soft petals of a tulip rest on a books pages

Soft Petals Of A Tulip Rest On A Books Pages

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Inspiring education photography

Need some professional education images to help you stand out? Our archives are filled with royalty-free photos of professors and students from diverse backgrounds reading, writing, studying, and learning both individually and in groups. Whatever educational message you need to convey, we’ve got at least one image that can help.

Our education stock photos includes pictures of traditional classroom learning, as well as people learning with technology, children on school trips, and adults honing their skills. You’ll also find pictures of teachers diligently explaining, students discussing, libraries full of book, classrooms, book bags and much more.

Our photos capture the true essence of education beyond long lectures and boring homework. We believe that a real education is more than mere knowledge gain for the sake of it. Rather, education puts life into perspective, builds opinions and viewpoints, and prepares you to be an active citizen of the world. Our skilled photographers have captured this side of education with great precision so that you can use our inspiring pictures to give character to your brand and projects.

Regardless of whether you are working on a presentation, website, or leaflet, our totally free images can do the job. You can freely copy, edit, and use any of our images without requesting permission and without attribution. Plus, our album of education photography is always expanding, so be sure to visit us again for future projects.