Education Images

Download free stock photos of students reading, writing, studying & learning on Burst. Hundreds of royalty-free education pictures to choose from.

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female model poses and reads

Female Model Poses And Reads

aiming for the basket

Aiming For The Basket

person holds an interior design book on their lap

Person Holds An Interior Design Book On Their Lap

small puppy curls up next to person reading

Small Puppy Curls Up Next To Person Reading

biohazardous materials sign

Biohazardous Materials Sign

calligraphy lettering

Calligraphy Lettering

liquid nitrogen in bucket at lab

Liquid Nitrogen In Bucket At Lab

two hands hold a book open to read

Two Hands Hold A Book Open To Read

two people read a book sitting on a couch

Two People Read A Book Sitting On A Couch

young man enjoying a magazine in the sun

Young Man Enjoying A Magazine In The Sun

person relaxing reading a large coffee table book

Person Relaxing Reading A Large Coffee Table Book

small puppy sits on a comfy white blanket

Small Puppy Sits On A Comfy White Blanket

tightly lined pencils and shavings

Tightly Lined Pencils And Shavings

embossed leather-bound bible

Embossed Leather-Bound Bible

zig-zag pencils

Zig-Zag Pencils

school bus parking lot

School Bus Parking Lot

1000 ml flasks

1000 Ml Flasks

a person holding an open novel in black and white

A Person Holding An Open Novel In Black And White

multi-colored wooden pencil shavings

Multi-colored Wooden Pencil Shavings

pencil shavings on pink

Pencil Shavings On Pink

reader traces verse in weathered bible

Reader Traces Verse In Weathered Bible

leatherbound book shut by a metal clasp

Leatherbound Book Shut By A Metal Clasp

young girl flipping pages of a book

Young Girl Flipping Pages Of A Book

woman and man share a book

Woman And Man Share A Book

small puppy sits next to a person reading a book

Small Puppy Sits Next To A Person Reading A Book

science lab liquid nitrogen

Science Lab Liquid Nitrogen

pair of hands hold a big book

Pair Of Hands Hold A Big Book

aged leather-bound book with yellowing pages

Aged Leather-Bound Book With Yellowing Pages

labeled science jars

Labeled Science Jars

a row of parked yellow school buses

A Row of Parked Yellow School Buses

back to school?

Back To School?

scientist holding frozen test tube

Scientist Holding Frozen Test Tube

two people read and watch television

Two People Read And Watch Television

kid climbing playground rope stucture

Kid Climbing Playground Rope Stucture

woman reading a book while man looks over

Woman Reading A Book While Man Looks Over

person reading next to a puppy on a wool blanket

Person Reading Next To A Puppy On A Wool Blanket

cozied up with a good book

Cozied Up With A Good Book

woman reads menu on white adirondack

Woman Reads Menu On White Adirondack

repeating pencils

Repeating Pencils

the gilded pages on antique book

The Gilded Pages On Antique Book

upright leatherbound bible

Upright Leatherbound Bible

paintbrushes of different sizes spill onto a pink table

Paintbrushes Of Different Sizes Spill Onto A Pink Table

stack of books with a pair of glasses on top

Stack Of Books With A Pair Of Glasses On Top

two people sit and look at a book

Two People Sit And Look At A Book

biohazard disposal buckets

Biohazard Disposal Buckets

freshly pared coloring pencils

Freshly Pared Coloring Pencils

school bus parking lot aerial

School Bus Parking Lot Aerial

person sits cross legged reading a large book

Person Sits Cross Legged Reading A Large Book

white mug coaster sits on a grey blanket

White Mug Coaster Sits On A Grey Blanket

person holds open an interior design book

Person Holds Open An Interior Design Book

woman stands in her kitchen reading a book

Woman Stands In Her Kitchen Reading A Book

person reads a book photo

Person Reads A Book Photo

looking down at hand holding a book with puppy

Looking Down At Hand Holding A Book With Puppy

person sits reading a large coffee book

Person Sits Reading A Large Coffee Book

close up of pencil tips

Close Up Of Pencil Tips

back to school on a typewriter machine

Back To School On A Typewriter Machine

person holds a book open against their legs

Person Holds A Book Open Against Their Legs

a girl sitting in a chair reads a book

A Girl Sitting In A Chair Reads A Book

leather-bound book open on table

Leather-Bound Book Open On Table

a colorful stack of books and glasses

A Colorful Stack Of Books And Glasses

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Inspiring education photography

Need some professional education images to help you stand out? Our archives are filled with royalty-free photos of professors and students from diverse backgrounds reading, writing, studying, and learning both individually and in groups. Whatever educational message you need to convey, we’ve got at least one image that can help.

Our education stock photos includes pictures of traditional classroom learning, as well as people learning with technology, children on school trips, and adults honing their skills. You’ll also find pictures of teachers diligently explaining, students discussing, libraries full of book, classrooms, book bags and much more.

Our photos capture the true essence of education beyond long lectures and boring homework. We believe that a real education is more than mere knowledge gain for the sake of it. Rather, education puts life into perspective, builds opinions and viewpoints, and prepares you to be an active citizen of the world. Our skilled photographers have captured this side of education with great precision so that you can use our inspiring pictures to give character to your brand and projects.

Regardless of whether you are working on a presentation, website, or leaflet, our totally free images can do the job. You can freely copy, edit, and use any of our images without requesting permission and without attribution. Plus, our album of education photography is always expanding, so be sure to visit us again for future projects.