DIY Photos

Dig into our gallery of craft and DIY photography. Everything from of homemade collages to handmade wooden frames, paper decor, gifts and decorations.

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close up of colored pencils lined up

Close Up Of Colored Pencils Lined Up

mini soy candle

Mini Soy Candle

modern symbols stencil

Modern Symbols Stencil

a pair of hands knitting

A Pair Of Hands Knitting

bead made of wood float and spell out dream

Bead Made Of Wood Float And Spell Out Dream

flatlay of artist tools and variety of paint

Flatlay Of Artist Tools And Variety Of Paint

lines of yarn twists

Lines Of Yarn Twists

wall of scissors

Wall Of Scissors

sewing scissors hanging on wall

Sewing Scissors Hanging On Wall

tube of lip balm

Tube Of Lip Balm

ring forged in fire

Ring Forged In Fire

flatlay of a cell phone and colourful beaded string

Flatlay Of A Cell Phone And Colourful Beaded String

crafting flatlay on texture

Crafting Flatlay On Texture

shipping labels

Shipping Labels

hands place small glass pieces into a mosaic

Hands Place Small Glass Pieces Into A Mosaic

hand holds a pink mason jar filled with paint brushes

Hand Holds A Pink Mason Jar Filled With Paint Brushes

beard wax tin

Beard Wax Tin

wooden beads float and spell out enjoy

Wooden Beads Float And Spell Out Enjoy

sketching and drawing pencil set

Sketching And Drawing Pencil Set

wrapped bars of soap with twine

Wrapped Bars Of Soap With Twine

blowtorch shaping ring

Blowtorch Shaping Ring

molten metal drop

Molten Metal Drop

all natural handmade soap

All Natural Handmade Soap

sewing spools

Sewing Spools

knitting needles and yarn on a wooden table

Knitting Needles And Yarn On A Wooden Table

hands trim blue glass for a mosaic of flowers

Hands Trim Blue Glass For A Mosaic Of Flowers

beard balm product photo

Beard Balm Product Photo

soap with bright blue

Soap With Bright Blue

red and green cedar holiday flatlay

Red And Green Cedar Holiday Flatlay

hot metal ball

Hot Metal Ball

violet soap with leaves

Violet Soap With Leaves

fiery ring

Fiery Ring

home made soap bar closeup

Home Made Soap Bar Closeup

santa on blank chalkboard

Santa On Blank Chalkboard

close-up of handheld tools

Close-up Of Handheld Tools

natural soap bar

Natural Soap Bar

close up of different colored beads on white background

Close Up Of Different Colored Beads On White Background

three paper woven carrots

Three Paper Woven Carrots

jewelry findings and tools

Jewelry Findings And Tools

pink cat embroidery project

Pink Cat Embroidery Project

woman deftly knits white yarn

Woman Deftly Knits White Yarn

sewing scissors cutting thread

Sewing Scissors Cutting Thread

melting metal

Melting Metal

deconstructed jewelry

Deconstructed Jewelry

colorful beads on white

Colorful Beads On White

rose flower embroidery craft

Rose Flower Embroidery Craft

sewing machine needle

Sewing Machine Needle

close up of watercolor pallet

Close Up Of Watercolor Pallet

journal made out of a map

Journal Made Out Of A Map

shop now diagonal sign on wood

Shop Now Diagonal Sign On Wood

buttons and mason jar

Buttons And Mason Jar

using a ring sizer

Using A Ring Sizer

person slicing into fresh bread

Person Slicing Into Fresh Bread

measuring tape thread and tags

Measuring Tape Thread And Tags

colorful pencil crayons on black background

Colorful Pencil Crayons On Black Background

crafting with fire

Crafting With Fire

woman sewing with silver and red beads

Woman Sewing With Silver And Red Beads

wood handle paint brush set

Wood Handle Paint Brush Set

beading work on purple fabric sat on white table

Beading Work On Purple Fabric Sat On White Table

sewing thread and accessories

Sewing Thread And Accessories

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Gorgeous Photos of Crafts and DIY Projects

Get crafty with our gallery of homemade items and DIY projects

There’s never been a better time to take up a new hobby. With the advent of the internet - mountains of knowledge about creating everything from paper airplanes to butler robots is available at the tips of your fingers. The only thing you need is time and a undying passion for learning a new skill.

Maybe that’s what makes the DIY movement so profoundly popular right now. It seems like everywhere you look on the internet - new handcrafted jewellery stores, homemade wall decor shops, and designer wooden frame dealers are popping up and cashing in.

The History of the DIY Movement

Although the term DIY has been in use since the 1950s - the DIY movement itself is relatively new. Its roots can be traced back to publications in the 1970s like the Whole Earth Catalog which would instruct users on how to renovate old homes in an environmentally sustainable way.

Magazines in the 1970’s like Popular Mechanics and Mechanix Illustrated began offering methods and instructions on practical home renovation and DIY decorations for home improvement. On top of this - many instructional books and videos were created around this time teaching people the same sustainable and easy home-renovation techniques as well as different hobbies - such as wood working, knitting, crochet, sewing and ceramics.

However it wasn’t until the advent of the internet that the DIY movement morphed from a practical way of managing one’s home into a creative enterprise. As a movement - DIY was most popular with punk bands in the 1970s. Bands would not only record and mass-produce their own music - but would produce flyers, zines, and other merchandise to promote their music. Today - you can see an extension of this enterprise in bands that build followings on sites such as Bandcamp and Soundcloud - and sell merchandise using tools like Shopify and Printful.

Turning Handmade Crafts into Cold, Hard Cash

It’s not just bands and artists that have taken on the DIY movement. The entrepreneurial spirit of the internet has made it easy to turn any hobby or creative outlet into a career. For example if you were a creator of hand-crafted jewellry - there was a time when you may have been relegated to flea markets and street-selling. But in 2017 - things have changed.

Today, you can post a collage of your work to sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook - build a following for your artwork and crafts and set-up an online store to sell your projects quickly and easily and all from the comfort of your home.

Whatever your passion - our collection of free photographs of homemade crafts and DIY projects might just be the perfect addition to your latest endeavor.