Construction Images

Browse our gallery of free construction pictures from Burst. Our collection includes workers doing repairs, building on scaffolding and using cranes and other equipment. Download a photo for free and use it in your next commercial project.

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band saw blade

Band Saw Blade

snowy industry

Snowy Industry

chained toolboxes

Chained Toolboxes

scaffolding on church

Scaffolding On Church

snow stops work

Snow Stops Work

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High-quality construction photography that builds trust

Are you looking for royalty-free construction photography? In our archive of professionally-shot photos, you’ll find a vast range of construction-related pictures that will help you convey the message of quality. Our collection includes pictures of the different planning stages, such as architectural drawings, blueprints, and construction workers writing and carrying out plans. You’ll also find photos of various tools construction equipment mid-use. So, expect to find a host of pictures of hammers, screwdrivers, helmets, work boots, cranes, scaffolding and measuring equipment.

If you’re a construction company, a construction consultant, an architect, or even an engineering student, you’re bound to find the images to meet your needs. Our photographers have gone to great lengths to add life to our construction images, snapping them along with workers in both daylight and after sunset. From demolished buildings to brand new developments, we’ve got it all, royalty-free.

Whether you’re working on an article, a presentation, or any other project, you can use our construction photos for personal and commercial use, without having to attribute them to us, or the skilled photographer who took the shot.

Our construction image collection is being updated continuously, so be sure to check back often to find more quality snaps.