Church Images

Looking for church pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of church. All photos are in HD format and free to download

close up of church arched door

Close Up Of Church Arched Door

dark windows in the face of a cathedral

Dark Windows In The Face Of A Cathedral

an orange sun hovers in early dawn over a city skyline

An Orange Sun Hovers In Early Dawn Over A City Skyline

church tower in china

Church Tower In China

the small church

The Small Church

provincial village with misty hillside

Provincial Village With Misty Hillside

close up of interior stained glass windows

Close Up of Interior Stained Glass Windows

gothic archways in a corridor lead to a gothic window

Gothic Archways In A Corridor Lead To A Gothic Window

silhouette with a stained glass window above

Silhouette With A Stained Glass Window Above

crucifix by stained glass

Crucifix By Stained Glass

giottos bell tower

Giottos Bell Tower

church tower over terraced buildings

Church Tower Over Terraced Buildings

church organ in alcove

Church Organ In Alcove

narrow view of roof tops and church

Narrow View Of Roof Tops And Church

large ornate church doorway and pillars

Large Ornate Church Doorway And Pillars

building in tall metal grid and large stained glass

Building In Tall Metal Grid And Large Stained Glass

nun snaps a photo in an old church

Nun Snaps A Photo In An Old Church

in line with the horizon

In Line With The Horizon

town square with church roof peaking over the building

Town Square With Church Roof Peaking Over The Building

top of a tall pointed church

Top Of A Tall Pointed Church

cross atop a mountain

Cross Atop A Mountain

elaborate designed church window

Elaborate Designed Church Window

upper windows

Upper Windows

a church sits atop colorful beach

A Church Sits Atop Colorful Beach

arched interior of a building with stained glass

Arched Interior of A Building With Stained Glass

red chairs stacked outside a white regal building

Red Chairs Stacked Outside A White Regal Building

closeup of provincial village

Closeup Of Provincial Village

rolling green hills surround the church of sandavagur

Rolling Green Hills Surround The Church Of Sandavagur

a marble archway with figures hewn into it

A Marble Archway With Figures Hewn Into It

ornate stone building

Ornate Stone Building

modern church space

Modern Church Space

church rooftops underneath clouds

Church Rooftops Underneath Clouds

stone church front

Stone Church Front

courtyard on a sunny day with a large white church

Courtyard On A Sunny Day With A Large White Church

old church building in rural italy

Old Church Building In Rural Italy

gray church interior

Gray Church Interior

warm light in a church

Warm Light In A Church

looking up at round ceiling with alcoves

Looking Up At Round Ceiling With Alcoves

the church of sandavagur towers over the village houses

The Church Of Sandavagur Towers Over The Village Houses

stone church ceiling

Stone Church Ceiling

round roof viewed through carved stone buildings

Round Roof Viewed Through Carved Stone Buildings

highly decorated church dome

Highly Decorated Church Dome

a baroque church points a crucifix at the blue sky

A Baroque Church Points A Crucifix At The Blue Sky

highly decorated church

Highly Decorated Church

painting in church corner

Painting In Church Corner

cathedral of santiago de compostela in sun

Cathedral Of Santiago De Compostela In Sun

candle-lit church altar

Candle-lit Church Altar

church of saint ildefonso

Church Of Saint Ildefonso

royal monastery of brou in summer

Royal Monastery Of Brou In Summer

white stone archways with a circular building in the middle

White Stone Archways With A Circular Building In The Middle

red and white church of sandavagur reflecting on waterfront

Red And White Church Of Sandavagur Reflecting On Waterfront

a solitary man in a suit sits on a chair in a baroque church

A Solitary Man In A Suit Sits On A Chair In A Baroque Church

red light in church

Red Light In Church

riverbank with basilica and bridge

Riverbank With Basilica And Bridge

an old church under a rich blue sky

An Old Church Under A Rich Blue Sky

church wall carvings

Church Wall Carvings

white church on a gray day

White Church On A Gray Day

white church and blue sky

White Church And Blue Sky

red and yellow gabled roof

Red And Yellow Gabled Roof

modern church choir balcony

Modern Church Choir Balcony

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Choose the best church images

From flamboyant architectural masterpieces to humble gathering places, churches can take on a huge variety of shapes and styles — which means there are all sorts of church images for you to choose from.

When we think of beautiful church pictures, we often picture Renaissance era designs from Italy or France. Also, ornate chapels with beautiful paintings that are stunnings works of art in their own right. But as you search for church images, these stunning venues aren’t your only option. Maybe you would prefer to browse humble church pictures of quaint buildings atop rolling hills and surrounded by brilliant nature. Or perhaps you need a church image in a very specific setting — cliffside against the rocks or perched atop a mountain.

If you instead want pictures of people at church, consider broadening your search to Burst’s prayer collection, where you can browse through congregations of people celebrating their religion together or solemn shots of adults and children honoring their faith.

Regardless of the specific style of church photos you’re looking for, Burst’s free library of high res stock images makes it easy to find. Start browsing through our collections of thousands of royalty-free stock photos, and let your imagination lead you down searches and collections you’d never thought to consider. In no time you’ll find the perfect church images that you can download in seconds.