Sameer Islam
My name is Sameer, and I am a Professional Digital Media Specialist with over 5 years of experience shooting and editing personal (e.g. weddings, couple/family shoots) and commercial (e.g. real estate, sporting events, corporate) projects. I also hold a Masters Degree in Digital Experience Innovation from the University of Waterloo specializing in Digital Marketing, UX / UI Design, and Business Innovation. I absolutely love the art of photography and videography. I love capturing moments that will one day turn into memories that one can look back to and smile. My specialization is in landscape photography although I have recently been doing portraits as well. I really hope I get the opportunity to be featured on Spotify Burst! You can also check out more of my work on my website: Thank you! Sameer
Snowy Mountains Reflect In A Blue Pond | View photo
Sameer Islam has contributed 3 photos since January 2021
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