
Welcome to the adventures of The Nomad Barista – I'm Brodie, and my photography is inspired by exploring the world, connecting with different cultures, and of course coffee!

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Rooftopper Looking Down | View photo

Brodie has contributed 1352 photos since March 2017

oceanside women

Oceanside Women

canyon hikers adventure

Canyon Hikers Adventure

red kayak

Red Kayak

seaside hiker in mexico

Seaside Hiker In Mexico

man in french cuff fashion

Man In French Cuff Fashion

man doing one armed pushups

Man Doing One Armed Pushups

backpacker hiking adventure

Backpacker Hiking Adventure

sunrise over toronto

Sunrise Over Toronto

ocean waves on rocks and sand

Ocean Waves On Rocks And Sand

city skyline morning

City Skyline Morning

boat in clear blue ocean

Boat In Clear Blue Ocean

downtown london england

Downtown London England

dead end in the forest

Dead End In The Forest

sunglasses making a splash

Sunglasses Making A Splash

athletic woman yoga pose

Athletic Woman Yoga Pose

man looks at woman in sunset

Man Looks At Woman In Sunset

woman in water

Woman In Water

forest hikers

Forest Hikers

women's fashion woman denim shorts holding pockets

Women's Fashion Woman Denim Shorts Holding Pockets

patio chair on balcony

Patio Chair On Balcony

driving through puddles & splashing

Driving Through Puddles & Splashing

men's fashion man in shirt and jeans leaning on bicycle

Men's Fashion Man In Shirt And Jeans Leaning On Bicycle

brother and sister

Brother And Sister

sunlight through treelined path

Sunlight Through Treelined Path

oceanside villa

Oceanside Villa

ready for the halfpipe

Ready For The Halfpipe

feet sink into sand

Feet Sink Into Sand

couple hands leading love

Couple Hands Leading Love

casually dressed man at the beach

Casually Dressed Man At The Beach

coffee's ready!

Coffee's Ready!

freshly picked coffee beans

Freshly Picked Coffee Beans

woman dances on the sand

Woman Dances On The Sand

wide landscape of canyon and sky

Wide Landscape Of Canyon And Sky

woman holding sunglasses

Woman Holding Sunglasses

seaside ocean pools

Seaside Ocean Pools

surfer dude

Surfer Dude

skateboard in sky

Skateboard In Sky

sunrise over canyon peaks

Sunrise Over Canyon Peaks

delicate flower

Delicate Flower

red luxury vehicle

Red Luxury Vehicle

skateboarding in city

Skateboarding In City

walking bridge through canyon caves

Walking Bridge Through Canyon Caves

rugged red canyon peaks

Rugged Red Canyon Peaks

setting up tent

Setting Up Tent

tattooed yogi holds standing bow position

Tattooed Yogi Holds Standing Bow Position

man driving in car interior

Man Driving In Car Interior

italian bottle

Italian Bottle

husband and wife shoes

Husband And Wife Shoes

eiffel tower france

Eiffel Tower France

paris eiffel tower

Paris Eiffel Tower

young couple embrace

Young Couple Embrace

concert at arena

Concert At Arena

healthy breakfast for two

Healthy Breakfast For Two

breathing and yoga by the sea

Breathing And Yoga By The Sea

bride with wedding bouquet

Bride With Wedding Bouquet

couple in love walk holding hands

Couple In Love Walk Holding Hands

wood handled espresso machine

Wood Handled Espresso Machine

walking in ocean waves

Walking In Ocean Waves

hands cupping coffee

Hands Cupping Coffee

skateboarders running start

Skateboarders Running Start