Sabrina Wishak

I am an Ottawa-based photographer with a Creative Photography diploma from Humber College. I love to travel and capture the beauty of our planet and am always looking for new and creative ways to experiment in the field!

location Ottawa

A Dark Green Hill Against The Smoky Sky | View photo

Sabrina Wishak has contributed 89 photos since January 2019

hiker shadow on hill

Hiker Shadow On Hill

sunlight through the branches of fern trees

Sunlight Through The Branches Of Fern Trees

close up of fern fronds

Close Up Of Fern Fronds

the cracked cross section of an old tree

The Cracked Cross Section Of An Old Tree

lush green rolling hills and waterway with misty clouds

Lush Green Rolling Hills And Waterway With Misty Clouds

thousands of tree tops under a blue sky

Thousands Of Tree Tops Under A Blue Sky

sheepdog resting in front of green metal shed

Sheepdog Resting In Front Of Green Metal Shed

pristine mountainous coastline off faroe islands

Pristine Mountainous Coastline Off Faroe Islands

sunlight on a hilltop and fern trees

Sunlight On A Hilltop And Fern Trees

island village of sandavagur covers sloping hillside

Island Village Of Sandavagur Covers Sloping Hillside

small village clings to hillside off faroe islands

Small Village Clings To Hillside Off Faroe Islands

a watery patch on a stone plateau glimmers in the sunlight

A Watery Patch On A Stone Plateau Glimmers In The Sunlight

red and white church of sandavagur reflecting on waterfront

Red And White Church Of Sandavagur Reflecting On Waterfront

geodesic homes nestled in thick fog on grassy hillside

Geodesic Homes Nestled In Thick Fog On Grassy Hillside

close up of a leaf in low light

Close Up Of A Leaf In Low Light

purple flower in focus on the ground

Purple Flower In Focus On The Ground

pinecones on a branch in snow

Pinecones On A Branch In Snow

infant fern frond unfurls under early morning sunshine

Infant Fern Frond Unfurls Under Early Morning Sunshine

close-up of snow on tree bark

Close-Up Of Snow On Tree Bark

delicate fern frond reaches tall in early morning sunshine

Delicate Fern Frond Reaches Tall In Early Morning Sunshine

a close up of a white flower

A Close Up Of A White Flower

colors pop on the wings of a butterfly

Colors Pop On The Wings Of A Butterfly

buildings of the city of sandavagur along a calm sandy beach

Buildings Of The City Of Sandavagur Along A Calm Sandy Beach

geodesic homes on grassy hilltop under fluffy cloud cover

Geodesic Homes On Grassy Hilltop Under Fluffy Cloud Cover

flagstaff stone fences and calm waterways along coastal city

Flagstaff Stone Fences And Calm Waterways Along Coastal City

a cross section of an aged tree

A Cross Section Of An Aged Tree

stony steps rise to meet a blue sky

Stony Steps Rise To Meet A Blue Sky

a cross section of a cracked ancient tree

A Cross Section Of A Cracked Ancient Tree

looking up the hill towards two geodesic homes in the fog

Looking Up The Hill Towards Two Geodesic Homes In The Fog