Sarah Pflug

I enjoy the finer things in life such as cheese, chocolate and pickles. I have a passion for food photography and am constantly pushing myself to expand on my knowledge and experience.

location Toronto, Ontario

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Hand Holding Vanilla Milkshake | View photo

Sarah Pflug has contributed 1956 photos since June 2017

happy easter sign

Happy Easter Sign

light woodgrain

Light Woodgrain

hand with idea lightbulb

Hand With Idea Lightbulb

cookies cooling

Cookies Cooling

watch with leather strap near leaves

Watch With Leather Strap Near Leaves

wood pile

Wood Pile

pos card reader

POS Card Reader

woman leads team meeting

Woman Leads Team Meeting

minimal workstation with keyboard

Minimal Workstation With Keyboard

wrapped gift

Wrapped Gift

grunge painted texture

Grunge Painted Texture

young woman in yoga pose against exposed brick

Young Woman In Yoga Pose Against Exposed Brick

games night flatlay

Games Night Flatlay

red green pepper pile

Red Green Pepper Pile

carnival game with hanging prizes

Carnival Game With Hanging Prizes

plants and table decorations

Plants And Table Decorations

spreading positive vibes with this minimal sign

Spreading Positive Vibes With This Minimal Sign

black & white motorcycle

Black & White Motorcycle

here you go

Here You Go

developers discussing javascript code

Developers Discussing Javascript Code

working woman patio table

Working Woman Patio Table

stretches smiles

Stretches Smiles

woman adjusts microphone

Woman Adjusts Microphone

red chillies glow on the vine by their green neighbours

Red Chillies Glow On The Vine By Their Green Neighbours

call centre staff with headset

Call Centre Staff With Headset

young woman holds watermelon slice on sunny beach

Young Woman Holds Watermelon Slice On Sunny Beach

fashion nails

Fashion Nails

two factor authentication verification code

Two Factor Authentication Verification Code

hearts on woodgrain

Hearts On Woodgrain

javascript code on laptop screen

Javascript Code On Laptop Screen

bartender adding twist to drink

Bartender Adding Twist To Drink

pieces needed for building a robot

Pieces Needed For Building a Robot

close up of chocolate cake

Close Up Of Chocolate Cake

cosmetics and stationery for the holiday

Cosmetics And Stationery For The Holiday

brown box ready for wrap and shipping

Brown Box Ready For Wrap And Shipping

roasted rainbow carrots

Roasted Rainbow Carrots

shop owner gets ready

Shop Owner Gets Ready

shop closed sign

Shop Closed Sign

coworkers go stand and meet

Coworkers Go Stand And Meet

bridal bouquet pink roses

Bridal Bouquet Pink Roses

star llight on woodgrain

Star Light On Woodgrain

festive gift box holiday wrapping

Festive Gift Box Holiday Wrapping

soft livingroom sofa

Soft Livingroom Sofa

runner stretching by brick wall

Runner Stretching By Brick Wall

woman smiles sitting in sunny window

Woman Smiles Sitting In Sunny Window

couple takes a winter walk

Couple Takes A Winter Walk

woman whiteboard work

Woman Whiteboard Work

slice of bread toasted

Slice Of Bread Toasted

posing against dark blue feature wall

Posing Against Dark Blue Feature Wall

siblings smiling at park

Siblings Smiling At Park

toddler girl smiling

Toddler Girl Smiling

bringing the outside in

Bringing The Outside In

a woman against a primary blue wall

A Woman Against A Primary Blue Wall

school lunch and granola snack

School Lunch And Granola Snack

veg and wooden cutlery

Veg And Wooden Cutlery

open sign on white brick

Open Sign On White Brick

three lookon laptop

Three Lookon Laptop

fall harvest spread

Fall Harvest Spread

harvest fruit vegetables

Harvest Fruit Vegetables

three spanakopita spirals on textured plate

Three Spanakopita Spirals On Textured Plate