Sarah Pflug

I enjoy the finer things in life such as cheese, chocolate and pickles. I have a passion for food photography and am constantly pushing myself to expand on my knowledge and experience.

location Toronto, Ontario

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Hand Holding Vanilla Milkshake | View photo

Sarah Pflug has contributed 1956 photos since June 2017

street performer with guitar

Street Performer With Guitar

woman in arboretum

Woman In Arboretum

a young woman looks sharp in her navy uniform

A Young Woman Looks Sharp In Her Navy Uniform

holiday hand holders

Holiday Hand Holders

antique cameras black white

Antique Cameras Black White

eggnog cheers

Eggnog Cheers

i do with wedding rings

I Do With Wedding Rings

soccer ball in athletes hands

Soccer Ball In Athletes Hands

designer coding client site

Designer Coding Client Site

holiday ribbon tree on woodgrain

Holiday Ribbon Tree On Woodgrain

hair wrapped in towel and moisterizing face mask

Hair Wrapped In Towel And Moisterizing Face Mask

student team meeting at table

Student Team Meeting At Table

developer team coding javascript

Developer Team Coding Javascript

fall season flatlay

Fall Season Flatlay

woman walking in art

Woman Walking In Art

three egg nogs and a plate o' cookies

Three Egg Nogs And A Plate O' Cookies



deliciously dressed smoothie bowl with berries

Deliciously Dressed Smoothie Bowl With Berries

spa day supplies

Spa Day Supplies

french bulldog gets cozy

French Bulldog Gets Cozy

black and white sneakers against purple and white

Black And White Sneakers Against Purple And White

hand holds rainbow carrots

Hand Holds Rainbow Carrots

modern woman at laptop working

Modern Woman At Laptop Working

father and son open presents

Father And Son Open Presents

little girl laughing behind hands

Little Girl Laughing Behind Hands

close up of painted tools

Close Up Of Painted Tools

woman holding black fashion bag

Woman Holding Black Fashion Bag

fresh market vegetables

Fresh Market Vegetables

woman puts hand in pocket

Woman Puts Hand In Pocket

2020 balloons

2020 Balloons

white alarm clock

White Alarm Clock

spoons full of spices

Spoons Full Of Spices

soccer player with ball on field

Soccer Player With Ball On Field

smiling girl at playground

Smiling Girl At Playground

white pumpkin flatlay

White Pumpkin Flatlay

bed bedside table

Bed Bedside Table

pots seeds and leaves

Pots Seeds And Leaves

mother and daughter hot cocoa

Mother And Daughter Hot Cocoa

pink flatlay

Pink Flatlay

greens on wood background

Greens On Wood Background

santa arrives

Santa Arrives

woman wearing summer dress

Woman Wearing Summer Dress

hands on motorcycle

Hands On Motorcycle

woman playing in yellow tub

Woman Playing In Yellow Tub

woman caresses face

Woman Caresses Face

small business making notes

Small Business Making Notes

woman presenting

Woman Presenting

toddler helps decorate the christmas tree

Toddler Helps Decorate The Christmas Tree

reading about code on hackernoon

Reading About Code On Hackernoon

private colorful work rooms

Private Colorful Work Rooms

baby lays on red blanket

Baby Lays On Red Blanket

colorful gift bag

Colorful Gift Bag

man and woman brainstorming with laptops

Man and Woman Brainstorming with Laptops

ladies lunge together

Ladies Lunge Together

javascript with laptop code

Javascript With Laptop Code

boy holds back to school pegboard

Boy Holds Back To School Pegboard

hot pink and reds house paint

Hot Pink And Reds House Paint

hand one up

Hand One Up

bridal wedding flatlay

Bridal Wedding Flatlay

share ice cream

Share Ice Cream