Matthew Henry

Photographer and Videographer living in the GTA.

location Canada

Drone View Of Car Driving Through Forest | View photo

Matthew Henry has contributed 5059 photos since February 2017

puzzle pieces on a black background

Puzzle Pieces On A Black Background

bright oranges cling to healthy green branches of orchard

Bright Oranges Cling To Healthy Green Branches Of Orchard

rows of typewriter letters

Rows Of Typewriter Letters

feet wearing white patterned trainers

Feet Wearing White Patterned Trainers

bar shot glasses

Bar Shot Glasses

colorful buildings line compact lisbon street

Colorful Buildings Line Compact Lisbon Street

a strawberry walk

A Strawberry Walk

elevator on city tower

Elevator On City Tower

typewriter message says 'election'

Typewriter Message Says 'Election'

foxglove buds close up

Foxglove Buds Close Up

sitting on a ladder

Sitting On A Ladder

$ typed on typewriter

$ Typed On Typewriter

subway tunnel speed vortex

Subway Tunnel Speed Vortex

bristle brushes in stand

Bristle Brushes In Stand

lifeguard stand on foggy beach

Lifeguard Stand On Foggy Beach

look at my strawberries

Look At My Strawberries

monroe towers at night

Monroe Towers At Night

don't panic a typewritten message

Don't Panic A Typewritten Message

strawberry picking over

Strawberry Picking Over

dancer poses with arm above head

Dancer Poses With Arm Above Head

grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime

Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon, Lime

close up of black lives matter lettering

Close Up Of Black Lives Matter Lettering

angled view of typewriter with black lives matter

Angled View Of Typewriter With Black Lives Matter

side of typewriter key tops

Side of Typewriter Key Tops

politics on a typewriter machine

Politics On A Typewriter Machine

pile of screws

Pile Of Screws

brown lizard on window screen

Brown Lizard On Window Screen

womens hand guiding saw

Womens Hand Guiding Saw

wet swan head

Wet Swan Head

basket of berries

Basket Of Berries

bfcm on typewriter

BFCM On Typewriter

lifeguard stand on grey beach

Lifeguard Stand On Grey Beach

woke on a typewriter machine

Woke On A Typewriter Machine

prisoner grips cell bars

Prisoner Grips Cell Bars

dropped strawberries

Dropped Strawberries

a body sits in a slider under a blanket in the morgue

A Body Sits In A Slider Under A Blanket In The Morgue

velvet jumpsuit fashion with candy machines

Velvet Jumpsuit Fashion With Candy Machines

typist says hello!

Typist Says Hello!

$ on typewriter

$ On Typewriter

text on typewriter states winter is coming

Text On Typewriter States Winter Is Coming

modern staircase lighting

Modern Staircase Lighting

jewelers brushes in holder

Jewelers Brushes In Holder

the long commute

The Long Commute

text on typewriter states 'time's up'

Text On Typewriter States 'Time's Up'

impeach typed on typewriter

Impeach Typed On Typewriter

spools of red, white and blue wire

Spools Of Red, White And Blue Wire

caution tape wrapped around empty swings

Caution Tape Wrapped Around Empty Swings

exterior walls and front of museu de lisboa

Exterior Walls And Front Of Museu De Lisboa

lime slice close up

Lime Slice Close Up

birds eye view of a boat yard

Birds Eye View Of A Boat Yard

slice of lime

Slice Of Lime

subway rushes through tunnel

Subway Rushes Through Tunnel

curvy condo towers at night

Curvy Condo Towers At Night

the bare feet of a body stick out of a blanket

The Bare Feet Of A Body Stick Out Of A Blanket

typed text says 'politics'

Typed Text Says 'Politics'

a doctor in scrubs puts a corpse into a mortuary freezer

A Doctor In Scrubs Puts A Corpse Into A Mortuary Freezer

row of saws

Row Of Saws

cement silo tower

Cement Silo Tower

two thousand nineteen

Two Thousand Nineteen

a smoky figure presses a hand against misty glass

A Smoky Figure Presses A Hand Against Misty Glass