Matthew Henry

Photographer and Videographer living in the GTA.

location Canada

Drone View Of Car Driving Through Forest | View photo

Matthew Henry has contributed 5059 photos since February 2017

broken stem in dry field

Broken Stem In Dry Field

bicycle handlebars

Bicycle Handlebars

two people exchange groceries at curbside

Two People Exchange Groceries At Curbside

an empty hospital bed in a darkening room

An Empty Hospital Bed In A Darkening Room

alternative sandcastle

Alternative Sandcastle

teal hot air balloon floats up into white puffy clouds

Teal Hot Air Balloon Floats Up Into White Puffy Clouds

construction on pier

Construction On Pier

chrome engine close up

Chrome Engine Close Up

fierce chicken gazes at camera

Fierce Chicken Gazes At Camera

emerald green tennis court as seen from above by a drone

Emerald Green Tennis Court As Seen From Above By A Drone

the carnival is closing

The Carnival Is Closing

towering palm trees and lily pads surround florida pond

Towering Palm Trees And Lily Pads Surround Florida Pond

view of lisbon city skyline and sunset framed by trees

View Of Lisbon City Skyline And Sunset Framed By Trees

suede boots fashion

Suede Boots Fashion

empty subway car

Empty Subway Car

woman in winter fashion sits by foot of waterfall

Woman In Winter Fashion Sits By Foot Of Waterfall

happy earth day to everyone

Happy Earth Day To Everyone

woman hides behind dry harvest leaves

Woman Hides Behind Dry Harvest Leaves

jewelers work desk

Jewelers Work Desk

a single wall of fencing at the edge of woodland

A Single Wall Of Fencing At the Edge Of Woodland

wheelbarrow for pumpkins

Wheelbarrow For Pumpkins

rusting bumper under snow

Rusting Bumper Under Snow

holding a small pride flag

Holding A Small Pride Flag

romanesco broccoli against a black background

Romanesco Broccoli Against A Black Background

woman waits on bench

Woman Waits On Bench

monochrome 2021 flat lay

Monochrome 2021 Flat Lay

bright sneakers and dark denim atop urban stairwell

Bright Sneakers And Dark Denim Atop Urban Stairwell

close up of water droplets

Close Up Of Water Droplets

intense chicken stare

Intense Chicken Stare

the faint shape of a prisoner behind black prison bars

The Faint Shape Of A Prisoner Behind Black Prison Bars

overhead view of lisbon city skyline at sunset

Overhead View Of Lisbon City Skyline At Sunset

a etched cluster of bamboo stalks

A Etched Cluster of Bamboo stalks

brain on the outside

Brain On The Outside

a staircase emerges from between two buildings

A Staircase Emerges From Between Two buildings

hockey night in somewhere cold!

Hockey Night In Somewhere Cold!

womens fashion with sweets

Womens Fashion With Sweets

dancer bends back

Dancer Bends Back

red party dress in silver room

Red Party Dress In Silver Room

church of saint ildefonso

Church Of Saint Ildefonso

classy brown chicken

Classy Brown Chicken

snowy rooftops amidst frosty trees

Snowy Rooftops Amidst Frosty Trees

evergreens peek through snow

Evergreens Peek Through Snow

a detailed fern leaf in the dark

A Detailed Fern Leaf In The Dark

modern building condo architecture

Modern Building Condo Architecture

portrait image of festive scene

Portrait Image Of Festive Scene

womens party fashion in silver room

Womens Party Fashion In Silver Room

jeweler filing ring

Jeweler Filing Ring

flamingo in the jungle

Flamingo In The Jungle

cluster of white flowers on a branch

Cluster of White Flowers On A Branch

foggy marina

Foggy Marina

two hands pressed against smoked glass

Two Hands Pressed Against Smoked Glass

peeling walls on a building facade

Peeling Walls On A Building Facade

text on typewriter states the future is now

Text On Typewriter States The Future Is Now

flaming metalwork

Flaming Metalwork

a large stretch of city scape

A Large Stretch Of City Scape

mountains in the desert

Mountains In The Desert

typed text says 'travel'

Typed Text Says 'Travel'

a group of statues on the edge of white stone building

A Group Of Statues On The Edge Of White Stone Building

palace tourists

Palace Tourists

the silvery white petals of a flower in darkness

The Silvery White Petals Of A Flower In Darkness