Giuseppe Mondì

Father, husband, dreamer. Storyteller. Content Creator. Travel & lifestyle photography. From Tuscany with love.

location Florence, Italy

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Traditional Roofs And Modern Bridge | View photo

Giuseppe Mondì has contributed 435 photos since February 2020

italian farm buildings

Italian Farm Buildings

a church over the market

A Church Over The Market

lush hills surrounded by waterways

Lush Hills Surrounded By Waterways

sunset on the water and a cliff in italy

Sunset On The Water And A Cliff In Italy

snow covered desert sands

Snow Covered Desert Sands

moped in vineyard

Moped In Vineyard

ancient mountain side city at sunset

Ancient Mountain Side City At Sunset

apartment building through metal bars

Apartment Building Through Metal Bars

Aerial photography: umbrella shadows on the sand

Straw Parasols On A Beach

a man and an ice field

A Man And An Ice Field

houses in istanbul

Houses In Istanbul

outdoor basketball court

Outdoor Basketball Court

traditional roofs and modern bridge

Traditional Roofs And Modern Bridge

rural windmill and out house

Rural Windmill And Out House

horses stand together on green plains

Horses Stand Together On Green Plains

new york taxi under brooklyn bridge

New York Taxi Under Brooklyn Bridge

empty forest walk surrounded by trees

Empty Forest Walk Surrounded By Trees

waterfront mosque

Waterfront Mosque

cattle graze in rural italy

Cattle Graze In Rural Italy

wild horses

Wild Horses

boats dock in the harbor at vernazza italy

Boats Dock In The Harbor At Vernazza Italy

cabin in the woods surrounded by trees

Cabin In The Woods Surrounded By Trees

social club building in portugal

Social Club Building In Portugal

white cows grazing a field

White Cows Grazing A Field

sunlight droped below horizon behind mountains

Sunlight Droped Below Horizon Behind Mountains

statue of liberty lit by sunset

Statue Of Liberty Lit By Sunset

metal awning on italian building

Metal Awning On Italian Building

a house in the wild

A House In The Wild

spiraling church staircase

Spiraling Church Staircase

cathedral of santa maria del fiore in florence

Cathedral Of Santa Maria Del Fiore In Florence

portrait crowded village with basilica

Portrait Crowded Village With Basilica

log cabin on a misty day surrounded by rail fence

Log Cabin On A Misty Day Surrounded By Rail Fence

tall archway beautifully designed and colorful

Tall Archway Beautifully Designed And Colorful

outdoor theater

Outdoor Theater

blue windows on multi storey building

Blue Windows On Multi Storey Building

an abandoned crypt

An Abandoned Crypt

narrow view of roof tops and church

Narrow View Of Roof Tops And Church

white villa with red tile roof

White Villa With Red Tile Roof

rug draped over front door

Rug Draped Over Front Door

metal canopy on building

Metal Canopy On Building

sunlight illuminates the rich mountenous landscape

Sunlight Illuminates The Rich Mountenous Landscape

old buildings on the street

Old Buildings On The Street

ornate graphic building facade

Ornate Graphic Building Facade

looking out over boboli gardens

Looking Out Over Boboli Gardens

florence in the sunlight

Florence In The Sunlight

sunset over vernazza

Sunset Over Vernazza

symmetry of an elaborate archway

Symmetry Of An Elaborate Archway

overlooking a town in turkey

Overlooking A Town In Turkey

yellow house in the blank sands

Yellow House In The Blank Sands

a strong and vivid meeting place

A Strong and Vivid Meeting Place

dolmabahce palace in turkey

Dolmabahce Palace In Turkey

person pushes water around

Person Pushes Water Around

seashells down by the seashore

Seashells Down By The Seashore

crowded village with basilica

Crowded Village With Basilica

yeni mosque istanbul

Yeni Mosque Istanbul

buildings crowd the river

Buildings Crowd The River

pink bowl of cherries on the ground

Pink Bowl Of Cherries On The Ground

valley view from a roof top

Valley View From A Roof Top

green building in sun

Green Building In Sun

elegant white green house

Elegant White Green House