Samantha Hurley

I am a Toronto-based Artist / Photographer / Director / Collaborator. Lover of food, art, fashion and fun people, finding adventure in every shoot. I am always looking for new clients, projects and people to meet and collaborate with.

location Toronto, Ontario

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Makeup Powders And Brush | View photo

Samantha Hurley has contributed 2108 photos since September 2017

new years hit the dance floor

New Years Hit The Dance Floor

new years balloons and sparklers

New Years Balloons And Sparklers

party person

Party Person

happy new years at midnight

Happy New Years At Midnight

auld langs syne new years pals

Auld Langs Syne New Years Pals

2019 new years party

2019 New Years Party

laughing in the new year

Laughing In The New Year

a new year with friends

A New Year With Friends