Holger Grünwald

Vintage Car Driving Through Stunning Underpass | View photo

Holger Grünwald has contributed 21 photos since April 2020

vintage car driving through stunning underpass

Vintage Car Driving Through Stunning Underpass

yellow and black streetcar stopped on tracks

Yellow And Black Streetcar Stopped On Tracks

unused airport in berlin

Unused Airport In Berlin

sun sets over empty train tracks

Sun Sets Over Empty Train Tracks

olympic amphitheatre in berlin

Olympic Amphitheatre In Berlin

sun sets over the horizon above a bridge

Sun Sets Over The Horizon Above A Bridge

setting sun illuminates train platform

Setting Sun Illuminates Train Platform

aquaduct under construction

Aquaduct Under Construction

person cast in shadows looking from a window

Person Cast In Shadows Looking From A Window

empty laundromat in red

Empty Laundromat In Red

graffiti adorns the walls of old building

Graffiti Adorns The Walls Of Old Building

cyclist riding through stunning underpass

Cyclist Riding Through Stunning Underpass

buddhist statues surrounded by flowers

Buddhist Statues Surrounded By Flowers

light peeking through an open door

Light Peeking Through An Open Door

sunlight bleeds through the top of an underpass

Sunlight Bleeds Through The Top Of An Underpass

contrasted architecture with wood and steel

Contrasted Architecture With Wood And Steel

an empty sunway with blue seats

An Empty Sunway With Blue Seats

abandoned shopping cart in parking lot

Abandoned Shopping Cart In Parking Lot

sounds of a past era

Sounds Of A Past Era

exit sign illuminated in berlin parking lot

Exit Sign Illuminated In Berlin Parking Lot

winding ramp in parking lot

Winding Ramp In Parking Lot