Shanu D

I'm mobile photographer with travel stories and photos across North India. Striving my best to capture more stories.

location Mumbai, India

Dancing With Temples In The Orange Mist | View photo

Shanu D has contributed 116 photos since June 2019

camels resting

Camels Resting

young woman shrowded in symmetry

Young Woman Shrowded In Symmetry

buddhist monk walks by yellow building

Buddhist Monk Walks By Yellow Building

archways and stairs

Archways And Stairs

single cloud hovers over mountain peak

Single Cloud Hovers Over Mountain Peak

pondering man

Pondering Man

a camel is lead by yellow lead

A Camel Is Lead By Yellow Lead

looking through arches

Looking Through Arches

light illuminates monument

Light Illuminates Monument

beautiful city street with stone building and carved balconies

Beautiful City Street With Stone Building And Carved Balconies

upside-down  world

Upside-down World

a crimson building with gold writing on the walls

A Crimson Building With Gold Writing On The Walls

ornate building entrance in deep green

Ornate Building Entrance In Deep Green

lone man on cheerful street

Lone Man On Cheerful Street

a robed figure walks through arches

A Robed Figure Walks Through Arches

building reflected in puddle

Building Reflected In Puddle

man constructing a canopy

Man Constructing A Canopy

rafting the river

Rafting The River

water droplets magnify leaf

Water Droplets Magnify Leaf

elaborate building at night

Elaborate Building At Night

courtyard view from above

Courtyard View From Above

temple behind flower

Temple Behind Flower

yellow circles in a building

Yellow Circles In A Building

person treks foggy mountain and river terrain

Person Treks Foggy Mountain And River Terrain

the relief on a building's facade in sunlight

The Relief On A Building's Facade In Sunlight

Spinning In India

Spinning Under Arches In India

broken beach

Broken Beach

cabin in the wilderness

Cabin In The Wilderness

seaside plant

Seaside Plant

temple security

Temple Security

monk walks past building

Monk Walks Past Building

looking down at a square

Looking Down At A Square

golden lettering on a red temple

Golden Lettering On A Red Temple

men sporting taqiyah headwear

Men Sporting Taqiyah Headwear

gents restroom in the mountains

Gents Restroom In The Mountains

man crosses courtyard

Man Crosses Courtyard

bare feet walk over wet paving stones

Bare Feet Walk Over Wet Paving Stones

beachside palms

Beachside Palms

wild horses look for food in marshes

Wild Horses Look For Food In Marshes

cycling past red building

Cycling Past Red Building

people in covered walkway

People In Covered Walkway

standing straight in angled photo

Standing Straight In Angled Photo

hike by a smoky river

Hike By A Smoky River

a woman standing under a large tent

A Woman Standing Under A Large Tent

temple flower

Temple Flower

red dressed woman poses in front of intricate monument

Red Dressed Woman Poses In Front Of Intricate Monument

desert wanderer

Desert Wanderer

two people ride a motorbike on a dirt road

Two People Ride A Motorbike On A Dirt Road

decorated rocks

Decorated Rocks

middle eastern building

Middle Eastern Building

fabric creates canopy

Fabric Creates Canopy

skyward view of a courtyard

Skyward View Of A Courtyard

mobile steps in alcove

Mobile Steps In Alcove

white church on a gray day

White Church On A Gray Day

tourists visit an intricate structure

Tourists Visit An Intricate Structure

inside stone space

Inside Stone Space