Andrew Apperley

I am a software developer at Shopify and an amateur film photographer. I started shooting film just over a year ago as an escape from my computer screen. The tech industry is fast-paced and always changing, and I needed an outlet that caused me to slow down and explore the world. This experience has stretched my creatively and I can already see improvement in my work. I use photography as a tool to view the world and share my story without words. My goal is to capture images of natural beauty that tell a story. I use film because it causes me to slow down the process and think about every shot. When shooting, I first choose a film to suit the environment and subject-matter. I then consider the composition, envision it in print, and take one shot. Since I may not see the results for weeks, it’s important that I remain meticulous throughout the process.

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Bright Pink Flower Blossoms | View photo

Andrew Apperley has contributed 31 photos since June 2019

bright pink flower blossoms

Bright Pink Flower Blossoms

a baby lays sleeping next to a basket of apples

A Baby Lays Sleeping Next To A Basket Of Apples

woman and girl play with water

Woman And Girl Play With Water

a dozing ginger cat in the sunlight

A Dozing Ginger Cat in the Sunlight

polka dot baby memory book with sonogram

Polka Dot Baby Memory Book With Sonogram

a mans large hand cradles a newborn baby

A Mans Large Hand Cradles A Newborn Baby

white and grey dog sits in snow and looks a the camera

White And Grey Dog Sits In Snow And Looks A The Camera

an apple basket sits empty awaiting apples

An Apple Basket Sits Empty Awaiting Apples

brown tree branches and abstract leaves

Brown Tree Branches And Abstract Leaves

green trees line the water on clear day

Green Trees Line The Water On Clear Day

while cradling a babies bottom a couple holds hands

While Cradling A Babies Bottom A Couple Holds Hands

baby toes

Baby Toes

cranberries for all!

Cranberries For All!

deconstructed christmas sauce

Deconstructed Christmas Sauce

close up wet fall leaves on the forest floor

Close Up Wet Fall Leaves On The Forest Floor

white and yellow flowers offer pollen to bees

White And Yellow Flowers Offer Pollen To Bees

a man in a fedora and sunglasses beams in the woods

A Man in A Fedora And Sunglasses Beams In The Woods

a cat nibbles on blades of grass outside

A Cat Nibbles On Blades Of Grass Outside

single bird in flight below blue and yellow sky

Single Bird In Flight Below Blue And Yellow Sky

white flowers with yellow hearts in a sunlit field

White Flowers With Yellow Hearts In A Sunlit Field

pink flowers with orange hearts in a field

Pink Flowers With Orange Hearts In A Field

yellow flower looks up

Yellow Flower Looks Up

lilac flowers take in the view

Lilac Flowers Take In The View

happy ginger cat

Happy Ginger Cat

the sun sets on the steel trusses of a bridge

The Sun Sets On The Steel Trusses Of A Bridge

a wooded horizon separate water and sky

A Wooded Horizon Separate Water And Sky

an apple basket sits empty near an apple tree

An Apple Basket Sits Empty Near An Apple Tree

an army of woodland trees in a copse

An Army Of Woodland Trees in A Copse

a woman holds a pink flower to her belly

A Woman Holds A Pink Flower To Her Belly

long tree trunks stab the sky

Long Tree Trunks Stab The Sky

the parliament hill building sits upon a hill

The Parliament Hill Building Sits Upon A Hill