Start an online store with Shopify

All the tools, apps, integrations and themes you need to get started

Get started with Shopify

Beautiful themes that are responsive and customizable

No design skills needed. You have complete control over the look and feel of your website, from its layout, to content and colors.

Pricing as low as $25/month

Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or out of the trunk of your car, Shopify has you covered. Start selling anywhere for just $25/month.

Trusted by millions of businesses worldwide

Shopify handles everything from marketing and payments, to secure checkout and shipping

Brands that use Shopify

  • Wildleaf
  • Pure Nectar
  • Saan Saan
  • Sunnies Studios
  • Vice Cosmetics
  • Yardstick Coffee

“Shopify is better than any other platform we’ve played with, and we’ve played with them all.”

Jonathon Bayme, CEO | theory11


  • Create an online store with just a few steps:

    1. Choose an ecommerce platform
    2. Add the products you want to sell
    3. Create key pages for your store
    4. Pick a theme and customize your online store
    5. Customize your shipping settings
    6. Configure your tax settings
    7. Set up your payment gateway and payouts
    8. Prepare your store for launch
    9. Launch your store
  • You can set up and start selling from your online store with Shopify in a matter of minutes. Sign up for the free trial, launch with one of the available themes and templates, and you’re ready to make your first sale.

  • If you want to be successful in ecommerce, you should sell products that meet a consumer demand and generate healthy profit margins. For entrepreneurs just starting out with selling online, you can try print-on-demand products or dropshipping. Both of these options require little risk, as a third party handles inventory and fulfilment for you.

  • Yes, when you build your online store on Shopify, it will be optimized for mobile users. The Shopify Theme Store has tons of great free and premium mobile themes. Every Shopify theme comes with a free mobile commerce checkout so your customers can purchase from anywhere.