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After migrating, Snocks increased sales by more than 100%

snocks card

Snocks launched in 2016 in Germany and started selling on Amazon. Seeing a gap in the market for cool socks to go with contemporary sneaker culture, the brand decided to sell direct to consumer (D2C) and experienced significant growth.

In just one year after migrating, Snocks’ sales surged. Using Shopify Scripts, the brand creatively bundles its products leading to an increase in average order values for the business. Snocks also regularly collaborates with German social media influencers (some of whom have up to 1M+ followers), with full confidence that its Shopify Plus store can handle the immense traffic the brand’s collaborations bring in.

We do a lot of influencer marketing and Shopify Plus enables that. We can simply send influencers a Shopify link which includes a discount code and they just have to swipe up to access the checkout. We also don’t have to worry about the site crashing when we do work with influencers because our checkout can handle such a high volume of customers.


Ricarda Humitsch — Team Lead Sales


Bekleidung und Accessoires

Vorherige Plattform



Shopify Scripts

Mit Shopify konnte Snocks schnell die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen.


Increase in sales since migrating


Increase in average order value due to Shopify Scripts and bundling


saved per month with Shopify Payments

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