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Natura Selection increases conversion and improves customer experience

Founded in Barcelona in 1992, Natura is a Spanish fashion brand focusing on clothing, accessories, decoration, and beauty and body care products. Natura is known for its deeply experiential and emotional style, earning a well-deserved reputation as an original brand full of positivity. With a network of 234 ‘brick and mortar’ stores in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Andorra, Natura has become an international brand recognized for its unique style, innovative designs, and strong social commitment. Its online store, called Natura Selection, wanted to provide online customers with the same sensory experience the physical stores have, and to do so, Natura chose Shopify.

Since re-platforming to Shopify, Natura has been able to:

  • Replicate the customer experience they have on Natura physical stores
  • +13% in conversion
  • + 3% in ‘add to cart’


Natura's original e-commerce platform was a custom website that was costly and complex, and they needed a dedicated developer team composed of in-house and outsourced professionals to manage it. Whenever Natura tried to implement improvements, they faced a long and tedious technical development process. Adding functionalities, like new payment options, was very complicated.

The e-commerce site was detrimental to the customer experience, creating a considerable gap between the customer journey offline and online. The website of Natura lacked the agility to experiment and innovate – which is part of their brand DNA. In short, Natura’s website was incompatible with the core values of their brand.

Shopify's ease of integration with any external solution - logistics, inventory, marketing, etc. - helps us scale. This is critical because we want a perfect customer journey experience in each new market.


Chiara Castellani — Head of Digital and eCommerce


When Natura migrated to Shopify in February 2024, Natura was able to reduce complexity and transformed their website to a global, highly growth-oriented ecommerce platform that reflects the values of their brand.

With Shopify, Natura created a brand-oriented customer experience that was coherent across their online and physical stores. For example, Natura made use of different product description templates for fashion products and gadgets, which allowed them to move a lot more quickly than previously. Natura can now present products with multimedia content like photoshoots and social media collaborations with influencers, as well as more technical product descriptions.

Shopify's extensive customization allows us to offer a tailor-made experience for each product type.


Chiara Castellani — Head of Digital and eCommerce

With the help of Matrixify, one of many applications integrated on Shopify, Nature was able to optimize their extensive product catalog. Not only did this allow for the implementation of new payment options tailored to regional preferences, Matrixify also integrates with Natura’s logistic partners and helps control fulfillment operations, such as returns. The integration also helps Natura to set specific rules for handling deliveries and returns, customer preferences, and logistic needs.

Shopify allowed us to offer editorial and multimedia content in each product template to replicate Natura physical stores' characteristic immersive experience.


Chiara Castellani — Head of Digital and eCommerce


Shopify allowed Natura to reduce its total ownership cost, increase its conversion and ad-to-cart rates, and create a better shopping experience, bridging. the gap between physical and online stores.

For companies wanting to upgrade their online business and looking for agility, speed, and innovation, there is no better solution than Shopify.


Chiara Castellani — Head of Digital and eCommerce

With Shopify, Natura saw results fast.

  • 13% increase in conversion rate
  • 3% increase in add-to-cart
  • An online customer experience reflecting the brand's DNA


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