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Shopify Collabs helps immi drive over $200K in affiliate sales

Kevin Lee and Kevin Chanthasiriphan co-founded immi because they love ramen. They grew up working alongside their families in the markets of Taiwan and Thailand, where making—and eating—noodles was a part of their everyday lives.

The brand's mission is to pay homage to their favorite foods, while reimagining them with high-quality ingredients for a modern diet—without sacrificing taste. With the help of Shopify Plus and Shopify Collabs, immi was able to grow their community significantly:

  • Grew their affiliate network to 432 ambassadors
  • Generated over $200,000 in affiliate sales
  • Fulfilled more than 4,400 orders through affiliate referrals


immi wanted authentic relationships with the creators in their affiliate network. This meant genuine ramen lovers and supporters of the brand. To grow their community authentically, they sent out hundreds of ramen samples to creators asking for feedback on their products and also offering them the opportunity to be more than just a customer. The creators who showed an interest were invited to join immi's "Ram Fam" and were given the opportunity to earn a commission selling immi products.

As more creators started showing an interest in being part of the immi community, the brand needed a solution that made it easier to scale their affiliate marketing program.

immi's Ambassadors Program


Using Shopify Collabs' gifting feature, as well the Tiers feature for distribution of affiliate links and codes to creators, the brand was able to quickly operationalize their affiliate marketing program. Everything from reviewing creator applications to tracking and paying sales commissions is managed through the one easy-to-use tool.

The brand was able to grow their community of ambassadors to more than 400 members and more than 145 affiliates in mere months.

And not all creators in the immi community have huge followings on social platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok. In fact, micro-influencers with strong brand alignment typically perform better. The brand's highest-performing affiliate seller has just over 10,000 followers on Instagram—proving that brand alignment is far more important than follower count.


In a few short months, the team at immi was able to take their business to new heights with the help of their community of ramen enthusiasts. From developing a product recipe to building an authentic creator program that aligned with the brand's healthy, plant-based values, Collabs helped immi earn more than $200,000 in sales.

Install Shopify Collabs

We love using Shopify Collabs because it’s simple and easy to use. The Collabs team is easy to work with, always open to feedback, and the platform saves us so much time with really easy-to-use features for affiliate tracking, gifting and commission tracking.


Simal Adenwala — Senior Partnerships Manager


Lebensmittel und Getränke

Vorherige Plattform



Shopify Collabs

Mit Shopify konnte immi schnell die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen.




Total Affiliate Sales


Orders placed through affiliate referrals

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