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Success with Shopify Plus is par for the course for Function18

A specialist golf apparel store with 19 years online experience, Function18 prioritises creativity, customer experience and quick-to-market processes. By migrating to Shopify Plus more than two years ago, the brand was able to avoid the operational headaches it had endured with its previous platform, and focus instead on scalability and expansion.

Shopify Plus automation has allowed Function18 to grow significantly without the need to grow its team,  while the Shopify Plus Certified Apps have supported product discovery and recommendations among new site users, driving discernible business results. With Shopify Plus doing the heavy operational lifting, Function18 is free to focus on its original mission - to provide their customers with the best selection of products and brands in the sector.

Why would an apparel retailer not move to Shopify Plus?


Ben Slaven — Co-founder and Director


Bekleidung und Accessoires

Vorherige Plattform

Adobe Commerce / Magento

Mit Shopify konnte Function18 schnell die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen.


YoY increase in revenue


increase in sessions


increase in new users

Schließe dich den Marken an, die jeden Tag bekleidung und accessoires aufs Neue verändern.

  • Gymshark
  • Escalade Sports
  • TRUE Linkswear
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