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agood company’s revenue explodes 100% year-over-year with customized site

a good company header image

For Sweden-based agood company, designing and manufacturing sustainable everyday products isn’t just a marketing strategy—it’s an ethos that’s embedded at every step of the B-Corp-certified company’s supply chain. So, the brand knew it needed a platform that could both communicate this message and give customers a way to make more ethical choices.

With Shopify Plus, agood company has been able to expand its catalogue from 20 products to 20,000 and fully customize its site for eco-conscious customers. At check-out, they’re provided with the option of “Eco Delivery'' or “Express Delivery'' (this encourages them to consider the environmental cost of quick shipping); a total carbon footprint for their order; and the amount that will be donated to agood Foundation, the company’s non-profit arm. Just recently, agood company expanded its mission to a wholesale business, using Shopify Plus’ dedicated B2B ecommerce platform. Doing good has never been so easy.

We recommend Shopify to anyone looking for a future-proof commerce partner. The support is fast and accurate, with waiting times on the chat support that are second-to-none.

agood company

Anders Ankarlid — CEO


Haus und Garten

Vorherige Plattform


Mit Shopify konnte agood company schnell die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen.


Revenue growth year-over-year


Deployed to agood Foundation


Increase in products catalogued in six categories

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