Gardening Images

Looking for gardening photos for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of gardening and related accessories. All photos are in HD format and free to download

red and green chillies curl on the vine like flames

Red And Green Chillies Curl On the Vine Like Flames

vibrant pepper plant ready to be planted

Vibrant Pepper Plant Ready To Be Planted

plant potting tools and soil

Plant Potting Tools And Soil

repotting succulents

Repotting Succulents

plant pots sit on wooden shelf in balcony

Plant Pots Sit On Wooden Shelf In Balcony

person pours water into a small potted plant

Person Pours Water Into A Small Potted Plant

the word earth written in the dirt

The Word Earth Written In The Dirt

plant potting tools and soil on a light background

Plant Potting Tools And Soil On A Light Background

a small plant into a red pot with watering can

A Small Plant Into A Red Pot With Watering Can

hand grips a gardening trowel and digs it into the earth

Hand Grips A Gardening Trowel And Digs It Into The Earth

succulents on messy table

Succulents On Messy Table

person tilts a box full of vegetables towards the camera

Person Tilts A Box Full Of Vegetables Towards The Camera

young pepper plant grows from a glass jar

Young Pepper Plant Grows From A Glass Jar

pair of hands cup a small green plant in a red pot

Pair Of Hands Cup A Small Green Plant In A Red Pot

person in a white apron cups a tomatoes

Person In A White Apron Cups A Tomatoes

two small plants sit on the right side of a wooden table

Two Small Plants Sit On The Right Side Of A Wooden Table

glimmer of sun through flower petals

Glimmer Of Sun Through Flower Petals

gardening tools lay on a grey surface with pink flowers

Gardening Tools Lay On A Grey Surface With Pink Flowers

young leeks in a black plastic container

Young Leeks In A Black Plastic Container

an assortment of gardening tools on green grass

An Assortment Of Gardening Tools On Green Grass

portrait image of succulents on dark background

Portrait Image Of Succulents On Dark Background

small green sprouts peak out of dirt

Small Green Sprouts Peak Out Of Dirt

young leeks lay in a beam of light on lite blue

Young Leeks Lay In A Beam Of Light On Lite Blue

person crouches down and cups soil in their hands

Person Crouches Down And Cups Soil In Their Hands

woman tilts a box of vegetables towards the camera

Woman Tilts A Box Of Vegetables Towards The Camera

small pot filled with dirt and a few sprouts on blue

Small Pot Filled With Dirt And A Few Sprouts On Blue

young leeks lay with roots exposed on a blue surface

Young Leeks Lay With Roots Exposed On A Blue Surface

small young sprouts of a new plant peek over a pot

Small Young Sprouts Of A New Plant Peek Over A Pot

sprouts peek out of fresh dirt in a terracotta pot

Sprouts Peek Out Of Fresh Dirt In A Terracotta Pot

young leeks laying on a blue background by a plant tag

Young Leeks Laying On A Blue Background By A Plant Tag

hand holds a gardening trowel with the tip of it in the dirt

Hand Holds A Gardening Trowel With The Tip Of It In The Dirt

terracotta pot in a beam of light with sprouts and leeks

Terracotta Pot In A Beam Of Light With Sprouts And Leeks

hand grips a travel as it digs into the ground

Hand Grips A Travel As It Digs Into The Ground

clay terra cotta pot with sprouts and leeks

Clay Terra Cotta Pot With Sprouts And Leeks

young leeks lay on a dirt covered blue surface

Young Leeks Lay On A Dirt Covered Blue Surface

flatlay of gardening tools on dark grey

Flatlay Of Gardening Tools On Dark Grey

small plant sprouts in a terracotta pot

Small Plant Sprouts In A Terracotta Pot

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Most everything you need to get started — photos, suppliers, and more

Choosing the right gardening images

Our curated collection of gardening images are ready for your next project. As you begin your search for the right gardening photos, think about the story you’re trying to tell and the aesthetic that you’re trying to achieve. We recommend drawing inspiration from your products or services. For example, if you sell gardening tools, you can choose photos featuring planters, shovels, and other gardening products. If you sell home gardening plants, choose from gardening pictures such as fresh basil leaves or plump vines of tomatoes.

Choose gardening photos that match your brand’s style. If your brand is minimalistic, choose photos with neutral and muted earth tones. For bold and fun brands, choose photos with bright pops of color. You are free to edit these photos to match your aesthetic. If you want to add text to images, choose gardening images with lots of negative space like a yellow background. We are constantly adding to our collection of free HD photos. Whatever it is that you’re looking for, we guarantee you’ll find hundreds of options as you scroll through the images on Burst.

Not sure where to begin when choosing gardening pictures? You can browse through other related collections until you find an image that resonates with you or your business. Download our free images and add them to a mood board as you explore. Find inspiration in our latest collections of weight loss, healthy food, or forest photos. Once you find your niche, you can continue to download full res images for your other projects.

At Burst, we offer a free library of stock images that provides the latest images of gardening in HD format. This provides endless opportunities for sharing images across your website or social media channels. If you’re ready to start your search, check out the latest free photos powered by our Burst contributors and download them onto your desktop or mobile devices in seconds.